Waxahachie, TX Candidate Training

February 4, 2011
Every elected official, from school board member to state legislator to the President of the United States plays a vital role in shaping the policies and direction of our communities, states, and nation. These offices deserve men and women who are grounded in the principles of liberty and individual freedom. American Majority’s political training is designed to enhance your campaign effort through targeted education and resources.
American Majority is hosting a Candidate and Activist Training on Saturday, March 12 at the La Quinta Inn located at 311 Stadium Dr, Waxahachie, TX 75165. Upon completion of this political training seminar, candidates will receive continuing education materials, access to podcasts and other presentations, communications curriculum, and suggestions to help them utilize think-tank resources.
* Candidates: The training will run from 10:00am to 3:00pm- registration is $55 at the door, doors open at 9:30am. Topics will include:
– Fundraising
– Messaging
– GOTV, and more.
* Activists: The training will run from 10:00am to 1:00pm- registration is $30 at the door, doors open at 9:30am. Topics will include:
– The System (a look at the political system we have, how we got here, and what we can do about it)
– Precinct Power (changing your community one precinct at a time with specific micro-targeting and focused action)
– Modern Pamphleteering (harnessing the power of the web and social media for your cause or campaign)
Save $5 per person by pre-registering before March 10th!
If you have any questions, please contact Raz Shafer at or 254-592-3361.
American Majority is a non-profit and non-partisan organization whose mission is to train and equip a national network of leaders committed to individual freedom through limited government and the free market.
*Topics are subject to change.