
Shout It From the Rooftops

July 14, 2010

This year’s Primary election marks one of the most active in our state’s history. Fueled by historic revolts via the Tea Party, 9-12, and other movements in reaction to the current administration’s wayward mismanagement of…well, everything, candidates new to the political process have come out from the four corners of the state to file and run for public office. And that’s something in which Oklahomans should take great pride and interest.

But it also behooves us as conservative voters to play our critical role running up to July 27th. It has never been enough simply to shout from the rooftops about our present discontent. Positive change comes when the right people run for office…and when the right voters help get other voters out to the polls.

We expect a potentially record-setting voter turnout in this year’s elections. That said, a vast majority of these voters are getting involved politically for the first time in their adult lives. What’s more, as many as 75% of them will vote in particular races with a selection criteria just a shade more discriminating than a wild dart-throw. This is so because they either have not had the time or the inclination to do proper research on the candidates. That’s where we can play a crucial part.

Consumer research has demonstrated time and again that consumers will share their opinions on companies and brands with at least 20 other people. And each of those 20 will pass that particular sentiment along to an additional eight consumers. One consumer thereby has affected the opinion of 180 people about a company or brand simply by talking about it. The same is true for candidates.

Stop and think about it. People trust people–not TV ads, not direct mail, not stilted campaign speeches. When we’re looking for the best auto mechanic, doctor, attorney, dentist or good deal, we ask other people for their opinions.

If we are to be successful in this election cycle and elect good, principled conservatives, we must leverage our God-given power of influence. As we wind down the last 14 days of the Oklahoma Primary, please do shout from the rooftops…and be sure it’s candidates’ names that roll of your tongue.

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