Raz & Reba’s Excellent Adventure

February 4, 2010
WATCH THE TRAINING HIGHLIGHT REEL FROM THE RAZ ‘N REBA TOUR One of the downsides to a widespread, national organization can be lack of “unit cohesion.” At American Majority we work to foster friendships and camaraderie among our staff through a variety of channels but my new favorite is the inter-state training tour. Last week, Beka “Reba” Romm and I traveled from our respective states of Kansas and Texas to Charlotte, NC. There we teamed up with Douglas Price to begin “Raz & Reba’s Excellent Adventure.” This was no simple training tour, my friends...It was history in the making. Through our five day, four training tour, we equipped nearly 140 conservative activists with the tools necessary to make a difference in their community. Our goal was to fan brushfires of freedom across the Carolinas and that’s exactly what we did. Day 1: Douglas Price picked Reba and I up at the airport, uniting our cohort. After being served dinner by a waitress that looked remarkably like a taller Monica Lewinsky, we sallied on to Doug’s house to watch the State of The Union. This event resulted in voracious tweeting and severe heartburn for all involved.
Day 2: Summerville, SC was the location of our first training so after picking up the rental car and Reba from the hotel, our crew headed south. At Reba’s request we’d built enough time into our travel so that we could make it down to the shore for a few minutes before our training. It was absolutely beautiful and only my second time to the Atlantic shore.
That evening we kicked off the training portion of our tour with an energetic group of 45 Summerville conservatives. We couldn’t have asked for a better crowd to start the training. These folks were fired up and ready to learn. Reba and I hit our stride early and discovered that we work really well as a team!
Day 3: We awoke to dire weather reports forecasting freezing rain, snow and apocalypse on our trip to Greenville but refused to be cowed by such prognostication. We made record time during our trip for our Day Three training in Myrtle Beach, SC and lamented the fact that we didn’t bring our golf clubs along for the ride.
That afternoon we trained in a historic train depot which has been curated in Myrtle Beach as a type of community center. The crowd was dynamic and their passion for liberty was clear. I can’t wait to hear more great things about their accomplishments!
Following the training we headed up to Greenville, SC for the evening. Along the way we decided that considering the weather forecast that we would push back the start time of our training in order to allow people more time in transit, for safety. The evening rounded out with some hang-out time back at the hotel.
Day 4: We knew that the weather would have a negative impact on turnout for the training but had no idea how many people would stay at home. As it turned out, the Greenvillians surprised us with remarkable fortitude. We had a nice turnout and I think that it was personally my best training experience of the trip.
Following the training, Doug and I chipped an inch thick sheet of ice off of the rental car and we began the trek north to Charlotte. Somehow, Doug managed to keep us on the road and safe in spite of the obstacles which were presented.
Upon arrival in Charlotte it became apparent that the city shuts down when ice or snow are encountered. Reba and I tried to eat at several different restaurants only to find them closed down. We were, however, able to finally secure sustenance.
Day 5: All good things must come to an end and our tour was no exception. We wrapped things up with a bang at the training in Charlotte. Not only did we have a packed house but the local Fox TV affiliate came out to do interviews and record some of the training. You can see the clip they aired below! As it turned out, we were actually also covered on Fox & Friends the next morning as well!
Raz & Reba’s Excellent adventure was on the whole a huge success: We trained a fantastic corp of conservatives, braved storms, and tightened relationships between the three American Majority offices represented. I look forward to getting to train with Doug and Reba in the very near future. Watch out America, there’s no telling where we’ll go next!
Lookin’ good! Wish I could have been there….wait, maybe not. : )
Great recap Raz! It was an awesome tour with dedicated, committed activists from all over the Carolinas. Good job on the video 🙂
Hey Raz, need the high tech video link used in your presentation — also would appreciate knowing name of your PowerPoint-type presentation that had much greater capability than PP.
You told me at the training session in Denver but I FOGOT. I’m old ya know.
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Ron Michel