Changing the Game

May 28, 2010
Last night here in Topeka, we held a mini candidate training, Running for Office 101. Candidates for state legislative and statewide elected positions attended to learn about running an effective campaign. Afterwards, one of the volunteers approached me and asked why we give out so much information for free on our website when many campaign consultants charge for that type of assistance.
Great question.
Here’s the thing: when a true grassroots citizen decides to make that next step and run for office, they’re taking a risk. They’re giving up time with their family, committing to the often scary task of fundraising and walking door to door, and essentially saying good bye to their weekends for months of the year. Once elected, whether for a position such as school board or for the state legislature, they will spend hours in often boring meetings or sessions while being compensated with a small dollar amount. An incumbent can rely on donations from interest groups and PACs- the grassroots conservative challenger cannot.
American Majority is an educational organization devoted to equipping, educating and empowering the grassroots- whether to become a more active citizen or to run for office. We believe in leveling the playing field so that these grassroots candidates without deep campaign coffers can run an effective race for the position of their choosing. For that reason, we offer political training on a consistent basis in states around the nation to help candidates go from 0 to 60 in just a few hours. Some of the presentations from our candidate trainings can be accessed here anytime, by anyone, for free. And we have a 22-episode podcast series on running for office, along with great campaign tips for yard signs, campaign mail, and going door to door- also free, available here. You can even find guides on how to be more effective once you’re elected into office here.
The truth is, for years new candidates have tried to figure out the ins and outs of campaigning, and it’s a steep learning curve. If we can help make the learning curve a little less steep, we’ll all be better off- after all, a democratic republic depends upon the people electing the people who make the rules all the people will follow. It’s not an election without choices in candidates, and the more- and better- choices voters have in the people who will make the rules, the better off we all are.
So find a candidate training near you and get trained. Or use our online resources to help you with your campaign. And I can’t say it enough: if you’re a concerned citizen, get involved in the campaign of someone who believes in the same principles you do. Campaign season is a great time to make a difference and your help can be the key to victory for the candidate you support. Find out how to be a good campaign volunteer by attending either our activist or candidate training, or check out those podcasts linked above.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AM's Austin James, Eric Baity. Eric Baity said: RT @AmericaMajority: AM's Blog: Changing the Game #uncategorized #activisttraining #americanmajority #campaigntips […]