Tami Romo
Nevada Field Coordinator
Tami has lived in Nevada over 30 years, 17 of which was spent working in a mega casino. A much needed career change was imminent. She wanted to stand proud and do something she found meaningful. Starting slowly in politics via the Nevada Election Department for the 2016 General Election, her eyes were opened to changes that needed to be made. In 2020 she was involved in grassroots for the Gubernatorial election then as management for the Presidential election. Shortly thereafter she was hired by a grassroots consulting firm to travel across the US promoting various elections. Most notably senator and gubernatorial races in Georgia and Virginia along with other candidates in Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Tami then returned home to manage a 60 member team for a petition and managed 4 local races. She knew it was time to concentrate on building a strong local foundation in Las Vegas.
Tami’s passion for grassroots efforts, voter contact and activism to retain our liberties, and constitutional rights meshed with personal values, morals have all found a home in this one organization called AMERICAN MAJORITY.