Just A Bunch of Housewives!

August 23, 2010
I got to thinking about the movement today – specifically Unite In Action & the 2010 March on DC. In a moment of exhaustion fueled pity, I couldn’t help but think…I’m just a housewife, how the heck am I going to fit all this into one day? I don’t have a legion of personal assistants…I don’t even have one. I am not paid, yet I am working from the time I get up in the morning until the wee hours of the next. (And let me tell you, moms with children under the age of 6 REALLY should to get to bed before 2am EVERY night….because the kids are going to wake up at 7am whether we like it or not). My kids have learned to make their own sandwiches, and don’t even ask me when I vacuumed last. I’m lucky if I can squeeze in a shower every other day, and my kids think the computer & telephone are evil devices which have surgically attached themselves to Mommy. I have a house to clean, bills to juggle, kids to raise, 6 chickens, 3 dogs, 1 pregnant goat and a husband to care for.
Meanwhile, my phone rings off the hook and my 3 email boxes are overflowing with people asking what do we do now? How do we save the country? Is it too late? Tell us what to do – we need TOOLS! Then the media jumps in to label myself and my compatriots as angry, greedy, racist, white men and calls us a vile name previously only heard in XXX theaters. It is enough to drive a girl stark raving mad! When the first call came in this morning (8am on a Sunday no less) all I could think is “I’M JUST A HOUSEWIFE!”
Then it occurred to me; we are nearly all housewives. In The 912 Project, nearly all of the group leaders are women – many professionals, some retired, but mostly housewives. At Unite In Action, more than half of the Board of Directors are housewives – including the President, Vice President, CFO and Military Advisor. The Event Coordinator for March On DC? Housewife. The Liberty XPO Chair? Housewife. Symposium Chair? Housewife. Young Patriots, Education, Graphic Design, Volunteer Coordinator, Clergy Outreach, Merchandising & Transportation Chairs? Yup, all housewives. Don’t get me wrong; we’ve got a few guys thrown in, but we are almost entirely housewives trying to pull off the largest Liberty oriented training event in history.
And you know what? This is exactly how it should be. Housewives are the ones who literally manage the world. The microcosm of each household is the macrocosm of society. My house and your house and their house…this is reality. And in reality, it is the housewives who carry the burden of the future. Yes, the men provide, but we clean up the messes, both literally and figuratively. Vomit on the floor? No problem; get the Clorox. Teen angst? Here comes a lesson in character. We balance the budget and figure out how to pay all the bills with money left over for savings and college funds. A new pair of Jimmy Choos versus Walmart sneakers so we can pay the rent? You know what we will bring home. Homework due or exams to study for? You know we will be there making sure everything gets done. In short, we the housewives are tasked with the future of our children and therefore the future of society.
So yes, a bunch of housewives are running the 2010 March on DC & Liberty XPO. Because we know it takes WORK to clean up a mess. Because we know you need TOOLS to get the job done. Because we know EDUCATION is everything. And because WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THE LOSS OF OUR CHILDREN’S LIBERTY – nor will we stand for the bankrupting of our grandchildren’s future. Because we know this mess will not be cleaned up overnight, and November will not fix everything! WE WILL move past street parties and protests. WE WILL do everything we can to get real classroom training & tools into the hands of the patriots who need them, AND WE WILL SAVE THIS COUNTRY!
So, girls grab your gloves, the Clorox, the character lessons, the budget, and the mops and meet me in DC – September 9th& 10th. We’ve got a House to clean!
P.S. If you see Keith Olbermann, send him my way…I’ve got a bar of soap just itching to clean up that potty mouth!
Out with the old in with the new.
Love it! thank you!
As I read more and more of these posts I become so much more aware that we can win back this country that people do want the same values and they do want to instill them into their children. We as Americans are a tolerant lot, we like to let folks have their say and still be friends. I, at these types of times come back to one of those “Mom learned lessons” if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. Well Ma I’m sorry but I didn’t break that rule, and I’m gonna have to say something kinda bad to the socialist/Marxist folks in DC this fall.
My father was always my hero, but my Mom is still my insperation, thanks Mrs Scruggs for bringing me hope again.
DC won’t know what hit them once we’re done cleaning them up!
Great inspiration, Mrs. Scruggs. I’ve said all along it will be the moms and wives who will save this country. Just like a momma bear, don’t mess with my cubs or my den!!
They won’t know what hit them when we get to DC and clean things up!
I always knew it would be moms and housewives to save our country. Just like momma bears, don’t mess with our cubs and don’t mess with our dens!!
keep working…using your mind and the written word. People like you inspire people like us!!! I salute you!!
God bless you and your efforts! There are many beside you. When the faithless are kicking you in the rear at least you know that they are behind you and not leading you!
I am taking my family to the 8-28 Honor Rally. Pulling the kids out of school to witness and partake in history. They will then witness the passion that has made this country the greatest in the history of the world.
When we return they will also have a greater appreciation for the efforts that my wife and I make to change the minds of the brainwashed liberals. Progressive socialism must not be allowed to move forward.
God bless you, your family and God Bless America!
Dennis Paul
Like most Housewives, who then look at their husbands with a sneer because he did not read their mind,,, Nowhere in the the entire long drawn out article was it mentioned on what date this March on Washington 2010 is…So that shows a lot of planning I guess woemen are famous for….Tee Hee.
Boy, am I glad you didn’t say ‘mi casa, su casa’!
Keep up the cleaning ladies, this is the BIG one!
All women are just housewives…at the end of the day. Doesn’t matter really if you are married or single, a parent or just have a cat…we all wind up with the maintenance and clean up of our lives…and our dollars. We know how it REALLY is. I am thrilled to see this happening…and will do what I can. You go GIRLS!
go figure how you so american majority divide the country based on your self driven ideology which feeds your own selfish intent are so afraid of change that you become so foolish and fearful. But you believe in a God who serves your family and says screw equality for others. Your lack of interest in a evolving democracy is the reason why we all as a nation have given jobs and tax base, to other countries to resale goods and serves back to us that we could produce in our own country. So look at the big picture. If you really care about your country try this. we have double digit unemployment, why not ask all us companies to help for the next 10years to bring all goods and services back to the usa and produce jobs at home. would this not stop the bleeding.? fools led by fools creates more fools. your lack of interest in the infrastructure lead to this. and inequality is your battle cry. your greed and selfish intent is over. pigs like their own slop. Clean yourself or we will do it for you. liberal just means we ain’t falling in your slop anymore. cool thing is you are only energizing our base with this foolishness, thank you. “Whatever GOD’s dream about man maybe, it seems certain it cannot come true unless man cooperates”. STELLA TERRILL MAN. YOU MIGHT WON’T TO SEE IF ITS YOUR PLAN OR GODS. TALKIN ABOUT SORE LOSERS U GUYS ARE THE WORST. ITS SO FUNNY WHEN INTELLECT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL.
Let the games begin, ladies. There’s absolutely NO WAY we can allow for this reckless lot of an excuse of a president to ruin our country just for the sake of some messed-up muslim nonsense. Impeachment & deportations are in order as I am looking forward to helping y’all making this restoration a reality. Our futures/ destinies depend upon it.
May God bless this movement.
I’m glad I’m on your side. I pity whoever gets in your way.
The world will need a return of a more feminine energy that has compassion, sympathy, empathy tolerence, and many other feminine traits. All wars would end. Masculine energy is always seeking power. Because I am an artist I have a good balance of the energies.
Thanks to all the mamma bears who care about our “cubs”
I encourage those of us who are baby boomers..akka us GRANDMA bears, to link arms with the younger generation efforts to turn our nation back to sanity. Don’t MESS with our grandkids futures either! grrrahh Every one can do something, no matter how small, it is when we sit on the bench (even if only mentally)that the “game” is lost.
Go gettem’ girly!! God be with you all!
Better take the face masks and room deodorizers! I hear it’s really stinking in D.C.!
from: Debi T. Blue Star Mother and ex Boy Scout Leader in Oklahoma
Thank you Stephani Scruggs for all you are doing. I’m getting on in age now so I may not be able to pull it off but I’m going to try to make it to Washington D.C. in September to help, in my small way, to give rise to this wave of determination.
To answer Kenny,(poor soul), Yes Kenny we will save even you as well. We intend to save our great country from ,so called, intellectuals believing they know far more than the majority. You seem pretty high on yourself and pretty frightened at the time. (odd combination) But not to worry, like I said we will pick you up as well.
God bless you Mrs. Scruggs and God Bless America!
Thank you Stephani Scruggs for your wisdom, your wonderful ideas and all you are doing for American People who feel the same way you do. Yes, I know the feeling, phone rings off the hook, emails mailboxes full etc. I go to the
grocery store and spend 3 hours talking and talking with other people who feel the same way you do and don’t know what to do about it. WE WILL CONQUER AS THEY HAVEN’T DIVIDED US YET. God Bless You and your family for all you do and God Bless America! GOD knows all, sees all and hears all.
[…] Fantastic article by a mommy patriot, Stephani Scruggs, on American Majority: I got to thinking about the movement today – specifically Unite In Action & the 2010 March on DC. In a moment of exhaustion fueled pity, I couldn’t help but think…I’m just a housewife, how the heck am I going to fit all this into one day? I don’t have a legion of personal assistants…I don’t even have one. I am not paid, yet I am working from the time I get up in the morning until the wee hours of the next. (And let me tell you, moms with children under the age of 6 REALLY should to get to bed before 2am EVERY night….because the kids are going to wake up at 7am whether we like it or not). My kids have learned to make their own sandwiches, and don’t even ask me when I vacuumed last. I’m lucky if I can squeeze in a shower every other day, and my kids think the computer & telephone are evil devices which have surgically attached themselves to Mommy. I have a house to clean, bills to juggle, kids to raise, 6 chickens, 3 dogs, 1 pregnant goat and a husband to care for. […]
If you believe is this movement, if you believe in the things she said, then go to the website and click the donation button and after your done share with everyone you know and ask them to help too because this event still needs to raise money to pay for all the space, permits, insurance, porta-johns, stages, sound, video and everything else it take to put this on. There are no deep pockets, no rich benefactors, just hard working class Americans that spent a year pulling this all together for you. Can you take 5 min and pitch in a few dollars. WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW!