I’m Talking About Glenn Beck Again

February 17, 2011
This time he’s taking on Google, and this is sure to be a battle of epic proportions.
In this clip found on NBC Bay Area’s website (more on this less-than-professional news outlet in a moment), Beck questions the ties of the internet giant and says that he will most likely not be using Google anymore.
Now, briefly, I’d like to point out that, contrary to the article’s title, Beck does not “urge a Google boycott.” In fact, he emphatically says the opposite. He states that he personally will not be using it, but that he is not trying to lead a boycott. Second, look at the picture of Beck posted at the top of the article. I’m not sure if it’s the NBC affiliated status, the San Francisco location, or both, but something tells me these guys don’t like Glenn Beck very much.
Now, about Google.
Beck explains that, for several reasons, he is “uncomfortable” with Google because of its involvement in the recent Egyptian revolution, its coziness with the U.S. government, and its donations to some left-wing organizations. His discomfort is warranted.
Last year, Google donated $145 million to charity, some of these donations to left-wing non profit groups. However, as found here, Google has a policy of matching the charitable gifts of its employees up to $12,000, meaning that plenty of non-left-wing groups received Google money as well. As Beck mentions, Google has partnered with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, an agency that exists to provide satellite images to government intelligence services. This could be good for national security given the sophistication of Google Earth, but it is also a bit disconcerting.
But all things considered, the bigger question is: what should we do about it? Even Beck says,
I’m not sure if I want my search engine involved in government overthrows, good or bad. What I want from a search engine is good search results.
Like Beck, I would prefer that my search engine not be involved in revolutions. But the sticky part of this situation is that Google is the undisputed king of good search results. It is the single most visited site on the internet with over three billion hits per day. Statistically, over 95 percent of you found the American Majority website for the first time through Google.
Moreover, American Majority recognizes the importance of using Google to your advantage as a conservative activist, even though Google and its executives have shown themselves to be liberal more often than not. When we speak of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), we are really talking about what we call “Google Juice,” your ability to appear high on a list of Google Search results. SEO is crucial in creating your online presence as a candidate or activist, and Google is virtually the only search engine worth focusing on.
So, being that Glenn Beck influences so many people, what do we do now? Is Google worth worrying about, or will we go on using it because it is the biggest and best? I don’t know about you, but I have to think for a few seconds to even come up with the name of an alternative search engine to Google. Can we even make a dent? Should we even try?
Fuck Beck. Makes us all look bad
Josephson, you write like a 14-year-old. This article is a mess, it has no logical structure, it makes baseless assertions, and draws no concrete conclusions from any presented facts. It boils down to an article explaining that Josephson thinks Google is bad because he heard Glenn Beck say that it was bad.
Which pretty much encapsulates the entire conservative movement in America – ” we stand staunchly on these issues because someone on FOXNews told us we should”.
Maybe you should repeat a few classes in college – sounds like you still need some education. Or “book larnin'”, as they put it in the South.
I honestly have to wonder if you read any of the words on this page. For starters, make sure you spell my name correctly before you lambast my writing.
Second, if you reread the ninth paragraph (beginning with the word “Moreover,”) you’ll see that I reiterate American Majority’s endorsement of the use of Google. It is the number one website on the planet, and we would be fools not to concentrate our efforts on it.
Third, the post ends with a question, not a prescription. I ask, “Is Google worth worrying about?” If I wrote as you say I did, the post would have ended with a statement – something like, “Google is evil and Glenn Beck is right.” You will find no such sentiment here.
Thanks for the comment, but next time you comment I suggest you take a little more time to read.
I think Kool Earl should take his mouth back to middle school. And I am sadly shocked that AM would let such a post through. Talk about making us all look bad. This kind of language has no place on a conservative website. It lowers us all. Think of the young people we want to join in here. Sure, it is nothing they haven’t heard before but do we want to enforce that this language is normative or, as is right, show that it is the product of the small minded.
I want to reiterate the point that EBurkeDisciple makes. I am not impressed by rants and raves of opinions, as a matter of fact such vernacular as seen from Kool Earl and from Fred do nothing to add any formidable education, knowledge, or valuable discussion to the blog. It is further divisive, offensive and so very status quo as it falls complacently hand in hand with the very polarized attitudes that currently disable political representation and voice in our present state of democracy. I think it is difficult for me, personally, to find any political affiliation that is a good fit because of such slanderous and divisive linguistics that have no academic foundation or contribution to helping me help America regain its American grassroots process. This is such the case in the numerous Tea Party endeavors and other movements that attempt to make a democratic responsible plea, but fail miserably short because of offensive actions and reactions. Please don’t confuse political correctness with ethical social behavior here.
Sarah Palin, to me, has marred my perception of Tea Party. I have seen other liberty focused websites and organizations that wholeheartedly miss the point. I don’t want to focus on Bilderberger, elistist Zionist agendas, or terrorism. I want to focus on facts that give me the opportunity to decide for myself what is conducive to American democratic process. I read these types of articles and books and take into account the contexts in which they are presented, then I determine whether the information is manipulating me by fear or coersion, academics or all of the above.
I am hopeful that American Majority will try to clean up some of its postings by having them reviewed prior posting to the blog. I have often felt that some posts I make should be retracted, especially when I post unintentionally or prematurely and with incorrect information and errors. We all like to vent and often I reread my own words and think – nahhh. I am looking for a venue that is organized, not status quo and seeks first the betterment of humanity at the cost and risk of corporate greed. When I find that venue and it offers a fair and equitable display of intelligent interaction, I will be sure to let others know.
As far as Google is concerned, we should be wary of the auspices of freedoms in our nation. It is a fact that the U.S. is heavily surveilled, perhaps even more so than Russia could have ever dreamed. If only they could have had such technology then, would the outcome have been the same? Truly, social media, such as Facebook, will be scrutinized. It contains all of the elements and potential of a separate and independent nation-state. Isn’t this just the picture in North Africa and the Middle East? To control or leverage our ability to interact because of security risks is a double-edged sword. As with all of the intentions of “security” for the greater good, the search for minority dissension ultimately jeopardizes the rights and freedoms of the majority. This is the real issue and the real problem. The Patiot Act enables this loss of individual rights and the auspices of unfettered Google searching is as much a part of this marginalized attempt of control as is the mandate for healthcare and all passengers to submit to airport xray and scrutiny.
Let me know that I am not alone in my search for truth. I just don’t have time or desire to bog down in petty arguments that maintain nonobjective, politically dysfunctional, name calling tactics.
Shameful. The cowardice actions of the Democratic lawmakers in Wisconsin are just shameful. I’m sure we can all remember when the Democrats held a super majority in the House, along with their majority in the Senate and a Democrat in the White House, they didn’t need to compromise, or even entertain objective ideas from their counterparts, and indeed they didn’t. The Democrats just steam rolled their agenda through despite any and all objections. Why? Because they could. Majority rule; which is exactly the way a democratic government works. Even when Scott Brown won the Massachusetts Senate seat after Ted Kennedy passed which negated the Democrats super majority in the House, the Democrats still did not heed the message from the American people.
Now we have the current situation in Wisconsin where a Republican Governor, elected by the majority of Wisconsin voters who ran on a platform of cutting State Government spending to include salaries and benefits of state workers that included teachers to custodians. Governor Walker is performing duties of his office as he promised the voters of Wisconsin he was going to do. The Republicans hold the majority in the State House and can vote per their convictions and beliefs. As it was done for the Health Care Bill, so it will be done for the Wisconsin budget cutting measures. What Governor Walker is proposing should be applauded by the state workers as it avoids massive lay-offs. Huh, imagine that, a lawmaker with a logical way of saving jobs for people that actually need to keep them.
Now that the tables are turned on the Democrats with the Republicans holding the majority and executing their majority rule in the same manner as did the Democrats during the health care bill passage (or rather cramming), fourteen publicly elected Democratic Lawmakers have decided to take their romper room toys and go play make believe in another state. This is without a doubt the most outrageous display of cowardice by a public official we have ever witnessed. What kind of message does this send to the American voters? Or more importantly, to the Democratic Voters? Can you imagine what would happen to you or me if we decided that we just couldn’t handle what was happening that day at work? Bye, Bye buddy….pick up your last check after cleaning out you desk or locker. What arrogance! And to think that they actually believe this sort of behavior is acceptable for a public servant…..a LAWMAKER!!!!! This should be treated as an act of terrorism by Governor Walker and the budget cuts are the hostage. Of course the rule is, we don’t negotiate with terrorists.
Whether or not you want to believe we are in a financial crisis is ultimately up to you, however if it hasn’t caught up to you yet, give it some time, the worst is still on it’s way. Some believe this nothing more than “union busting” and there is no budget crisis. Check it out for yourself, and then decide. I would submit that in these times of economic downturn, everyone will need to cut back, do more with less. My Grandfather once told me a very logical response to my request for a short loan so I could buy a surfer van in 1976….”Steveie, if you can’t augment your means, you diminish your wants”….I found this to be very good advice. Once this economic downturn is over, and history shows that we will recover, then the unions and individuals will be in a better position to recover what was given up in order to keep their employment possible and their lives solvent.