Coral Springs, Florida Training

March 15, 2011
American Majority will be coming to Coral Springs, Florida on April 29th and 30th, for a training event that is geared toward helping people across Florida take their defense of liberty and fight for limited government to the next level. The event will be held at the Coral Springs Christian Academy, 2550 Riverside Drive, in Coral Springs.
Friday evening, from 6:00pm-10:00pm, the topics covered will show community activists how to take their use of new media tools to the next level, and how to increase voter involvement and election integrity.
On Saturday, the training will run from 9:00am-4:00pm, and will address topics critical for anyone considering running for public office, whether it is a local town council race or a State Senate race. These topics include campaign plans, fundraising, media outreach, etc. A breakout session for campaign managers will also be held during this time.
As states face critical budget issues, town councils have to decide whether to cut spending or raise local taxes, and corrupt elected officials are taken to task, Florida and the rest of the country needs people who are organized, effective and ready to stand for lower taxes, transparency, and Constitutional government. We hope that you will join us!
Registration information:
Activist (Friday only) – $30.00 per person includes snacks
Candidate (Saturday only) – $55.00 per person includes lunch and snacks
Both days of training – $75.00 per person includes lunch and snacks
Save $5.00 per person if you register before April 25th
If you have any questions or would like additional information, call Jaoni Wood at 540-338-1251 or e-mail at
American Majority is a non-profit and non-partisan political training organization whose mission is to train and equip a national network of leaders committed to individual freedom through limited government and the free market.
About our trainers:
Matt Robbins is the national Executive Director for American Majority. Previously he was a political director for the California Republican Party, the largest Republican state party in the United States. He has also served as a Coalitions director on McCain-Palin 2008 and as the Director of Training at the Leadership Institute. Matt has personally trained thousands of political activists nationwide and in several foreign countries on campaign management, communications and party and candidate development.
Raz Shafer joined American Majority in June of 2009 and currently serves as the Deputy Director of New Media. Prior to joining American Majority, Raz attended Hillsdale College, graduating with a B.S. in Political Economy. As part of that degree program, he completed internships with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and U.S. Congressman John Carter. In his time with American Majority, Raz has conducted trainings all across the United States.
* Topics are subject to change.
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[…] to get the right people into office. Campaign Manager breakout session, also available on this day. Posts:FREE MOVIE SCREENING OF “THE CARTEL”Smart Girl Politics Summit – St. Louis […]