Wisconsin Post Party Summit on October 9: A Must For All Activists

October 6, 2010
So Wisconsinites, why spend an entire Saturday with American Majority this close to Election Day? Well, the answer is simple, because it will make a difference. Attending this workshop matters if you are serious about reshaping the political environmental for not only the short-term, but more importantly, for the long-term.
Yes, elections are immensely important, but if you are only focused on Election Day and not in a position to continue to capture the energy found within the conservative grassroots movement, than the results on November 2 will be all for naught. Leaders and activists must think past November and be in a position hold newly elected leaders accountable and focus on upcoming elected positions in 2011 and 2012 that need a change in leadership.
If you haven’t already, please consider attending our Wisconsin Post Party Summit in Oconomowoc this Saturday, October 9. The event will be at the Olympia Resort and Conference Center from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, with registration starting at 8:15 pm. Tickets are just $20/person, which includes lunch and training materials. Topics covered include: Holding Elected Officials Accountable, Building Coalitions, New Media, Micro-targeting and Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV).
Sound interesting and worth your time? We certainly think so as do the nearly 40 conservative organizations across Wisconsin that are cosponsoring the event. So come, you will gain a wealth of knowledge and will definitely enjoy the time spent at our workshop. For more information and to reserve a seat please simply click HERE. If you prefer you can also contact Michael Yost at 651-343-5558 or
We can’t wait to see everyone on Saturday!
I did attend the training on Saturday 10/9/2010 in Oconomowoc. information was presented at an extremely fast pace and I’m grateful to learn that all of the Power Point info is on-line. I will send an e-mail out to our group advising them of your awesome training (in person and on-line). It was a great day!.
The conservative movement is starting a new chapter. It’s my opinion that the large tea party events will be fewer in number and that conservatives will meet locally more frequently, grow in numbers, have more outreach locally in order to become more effective.
I learned about more websites that add a new layer of transparency to allow Americans to find out just what their elected representatives have been up to–they can’t hide anymore. And candidates have another forum to get their conservative message out to an audience waiting for truth