Wisconsin Craziness Continues

March 2, 2011
It’s hard to believe that protests have now been going on in Madison for 16 days and 14 State Senators have been AWOL for 13 days now. Here is some of the latest news. A private citizen is suing one of these Senators to compel the Senator to return to the state Capitol. The Senate has voted on a resolution to impose a fine for Senators missing two or more days. Taxpayers continue to pay the salaries of these 14 AWOL Senators and are wondering when this all will end.
Yesterday, Governor Scott Walker continued to show resolve in confronting liberal policies through introducing his Budget Bill. Governor Walker’s Budget Bill contains bold reforms to address Wisconsin’s $3.6 Billion Deficit. Wisconsin has been crippled by liberal policies, but that is changing. While the Budget Bill reduces state aid by roughly $1.25 Billion, the almost $1.5 Billion in savings from the budget repair bill creates a net increase in revenue.
Despite the opportunity for savings, many local governments are backing themselves into a corner where they may have no other option but to lay off many teachers and other local government employees. School districts across the state are rushing through collective bargaining agreements that continue largess government spending. When the reduced state aid comes, those local governments will be stuck with significant gaps between expenses and revenue.
Thankfully, some local government leaders, such as Wausau Mayor Jim Tipple, have decided to halt union negotiations until the dust settles with the Budget Repair Bill. The fact is that the Budget Repair Bill gives local governments tools to be able to reduce their spending.
Conservatives must continue to have their voices heard! Contact your elected officials about Gov. Walker’s Budget and your local government officials about union negotiations. The voice of the Wisconsin taxpayers has to be heard.