
What a Waste!

July 20, 2012

How Your Government is Abusing You through Incompetence and Fraud

It’s your hard-earned money and your government is addicted to spending it. Unfortunately for those who think that government is the solution rather than the problem, the bureaucrats and elected officials simply lack the competency or courage to ensure your tax dollars are spent wisely. In this edition of Majority Points, we’ll give you some examples of the legalized fraud and abuse that is perpetrated on the people of this country. Spread the word to friends about the need for limited government and use these as ammunition to prove that government can’t be trusted to spend your money effectively.

We all know that government is bloated and inefficient. But just how much is not generally known. The federal government alone is so big and so poorly managed that Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma has been trying to ascertain how many agencies and programs are funded by Washington for years and he still can’t figure it out. The feds haven’t produced financial statements on government spending in more than a decade. Apparently, they just don’t care that every year billions of your dollars are wasted, misdirected or fraudulently used.

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Photo by Talk Radio News Service

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