Amidst Deficit, Wisconsin Agencies Request Absurd Budget Increase

December 10, 2010
Despite a Budget Deficit that has been estimated to be around $3 Billion in Wisconsin, State Government Agencies have requested a 6.2% Budget Increase from the prior two year period. These requests amount to an astromical $4 Billion in increased spending.
Big government begets big government. These requests demonstrate why the Wisconsin electorate this past November voted overwhemlingly for conservatives who would cut wasteful spending and end the era of big government in Wisconsin. Listen to the people of Wisconsin: Cut the wasteful spending!
I wonder if the real structural deficit is not significantly higher than the professed $3.3 Billion. Remember that last biennium, the federal government gave WI $3.5 Billion that it is not likely to get this year. Ergo, it would seem that $6.8 Billion is more likely the real structural deficit.
If Scott Walker wants to make good on his promise of 250,000 jobs, I can think of nothing that will do it faster than to completely wipe out that deficit in the budget that is being worked on now.