The Battle In Wisconsin Continues

March 10, 2011
Last evening brought a whole new resurgence to the battle in Wisconsin. Finally, some of the stalemate was going to be overcome. The consequences of these actions are still somewhat unknown, but we are sure to be witnessing more history happening in Wisconsin.
After weeks of 14 AWOL Senators refusing to come back to the state to debate the issues, the leadership in the State Senate did the last option they had at their disposal. Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald had decided enough was enough, particularly after receiving a letter from Senate Minority Leader Miller.
A conference committee was called, a new bill was put together and sent to the Senate for a vote. This movement all happened in a matter of hours. Where were the 14 AWOL Senators? Apparently still in Illinois. Immediately following the vote, protestors in the area stormed the Capitol. After weeks of protestors being able to stay in the Capitol overnight, it seemed there was return to normalcy but control by the police was lost last night. The Assembly was to go into session at 11 am this morning to vote on this bill, but was delayed due to security concerns within the building. Was this another stall tactic from the liberals? I am beginning to wonder how many more ways can they ensure session cannot take place.
As I write, the situation continues to change and quite frankly I am uncertain of how the day will go. However, being on the ground to be able to see this continued craziness is almost more than a person can take in. Death threats have been put out on the Senators who voted last night, staffers and members were trapped inside the building today and other members couldn’t get into the Capitol even if they wanted to.
After all of this is said and done, and there are the votes in support of this conference committee bill, what is going to happen? After AWOL Senators went missing, recall efforts were put underway to recall them. The other side responded with recall efforts of their own against those supporting the bill. Does this mean the results of our last election in November don’t mean anything? Will this issue even be resolved before the next election cycle?
What I do know is that this is just the beginning of the fight in Wisconsin. The budget bill debate is yet to come. If people are unhappy with what was in the Budget Repair Bill, they certainly won’t be happy with the cuts and changes that will be coming forth in the budget. We are breaking years of unruly spending when the funds simply weren’t there. The idea of taxing the rich to continue this spending spree is no longer an option. The people in Wisconsin spoke last November and now those they elected are doing what the electors asked them to do.
We need to have those in Wisconsin who supported these elected officials keep pushing them to stand strong and let them know they are not alone out there. The Tea Party movement helped make this change in Wisconsin. Now is the time for us to step up like never before. People need to make sure the correct message is being sent out and stay active. The silent voice is the broken voice.
It’s time to step up and write letters to the editor, start talking to your friends and family who aren’t politically involved and get them the facts of what is going on in Wisconsin, do research to find the correct information and don’t let the liberal media continue to spread misinformation. Email or call your representatives and tell them you are standing behind them and encourage others to do the same. When there is an opportunity to rally, do so, but keep in mind the loud voices need to do more. We have seen that the thousands of protestors who oppose Governor Walker did not make a change in the legislation.
As I am writing this blog, I am sitting in a coffee shop in our lovely liberal Capitol of Wisconsin just a few blocks from the activity. Listening to people who are telling why free markets and capitalism are so bad for our future. If we didn’t have free markets and limited government, do you think America would be a leader in the world? If we didn’t have free markets and capitalism would there even be a class of rich to tax?
The coffee shop has a pink slip sign for Governor Walker, thanks for the free Wi-Fi, but I didn’t spend any money at your shop! Stay tuned, the story isn’t finished.
Excellent article! Keep us posted and stay safe!
Thanks for the on site report. Thanks to AM and Heritage, I had facts to wright a letter in the Journal Sentinel responding to John Gurda’s article trying to use history against Walker’s position.
Robert Fischer
While your articles are needed to keep people aware, protect yourself. People of America are becoming frustrated and distrusting of the government. Wait a second is that not what led to the wildfire protest in Egypt?
I support both the union and non-union workers. By this I support a person’s right to make choices. Therefore rather sit quietly I support the protest and give a hearty thumbs up.
It is a shame it has had to come to this point though. We elect these people to represent us not so we can be ignored.