
Five Common Campaign Fundraising Mistakes

October 2, 2012

When I was growing up, a teacher once told me that succeeding in life is as much a result of not doing the wrong things as it is doing the right things. When it comes to raising money for a political campaign, I would have to say that I agree with that statement. Here are five common mistakes that I’ve seen repeated again and again by inexperienced candidates. They are easy to avoid, if you can spot them.

1. Call Reluctance
I know. Who likes the idea of picking up the phone and asking someone for money? It’s hard enough to ask friends and family for even worthy causes such as your church or children’s little league team. To make it worse, you’re actually asking people to support you and sometimes you may not know the people you are asking all that well. You envision all the terrible things that can happen and a sense of deep foreboding begins to overwhelm you.

Read on at the New Leaders Project…

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