Accountability is a Lovely Thing in Politics
October 12, 2010
According to the latest ABC News/Yahoo! Survey, 85 percent of Americans are either angry or at least dissatisfied with the economy. Last week an ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that 71 percent of Americans share the same level of frustration with the way our federal government is working. This of course has made current office-holders, who have told us that more government spending is the solution to our economic woes, quite uncomfortable, and as well they should be.
Take for example a piece penned in today’s Wall Street Journal detailing an overlooked Congressional Budget Office (CBO) document noting the fiscal year 2010 spending by Congress. The numbers speak for themselves: spending rose to $3.616 trillion for FY2010, an increase of 21 percent from the FY2008 total of $2.978 trillion.
What do we have to show for this dramatic increase in spending? Not much, unless one feels as though an unemployment rate of 9.6 percent and a forecasted economic growth rate of 1.7 percent is something to brag about.
With an election three weeks away, the American people clearly aren’t buying the notion that more government is the solution to our problems. Simply put, unlike many career politicians, they get it. The voting public believes that a change is needed, a change for the better, a change in their best interest and the country at large. Now just go and vote on November 2.