Vote Them All Out?
June 2, 2010
While I certainly appreciate the sentiment of: “Vote them All Out.” It’s also a mantra that is not all that reasonable or responsible. In fact one could argue this approach is a tad on the lazy side.
If we think of our government as a business, which in one way it is, then for us as the board of that business to fire the whole lot places unnecessary strain on an already ailing company. I agree there are “public servants” that need to be discharged. Those who fundamentally are opposed to the intent and expressions of the Constitution – with regards to fiscal responsibility and limited government – definitely need to go.
I am reminded of a conversation that took place between Col. Davy Crocket, who was running for re-election at the time, and Horatio Bunce. It is noted in detail in, “NOT YOURS TO GIVE” . I encourage you to read the entire dialogue. It is an amazing story.
Several things struck me while reading this. It stood out that Mr. Bunce, while evidently living in a very rural area and being a working man, had taken time to familiarize himself with the Constitution. He sought to understand and revere it. Mr. Bunce also did his civic duty in keeping himself abreast of the news and how his elected officials were voting. He unmistakably took his voting right seriously.
It struck me most intriguing that this man, of some influence, decided after a civil discussion with his legislator, (with whom he clearly disagreed) to not only vote for him again but to help “influence” others on the legislator’s behalf. They obviously had shared values and must have agreed on the majority of Col. Crocket’s voting record.
Horatio realized Col. Crocket was convicted of his previous usurpations against the Constitution and was truly repentant for that. “Your acknowledgment of it will do more good than beating [CRITICIZING] you for it,” Mr. Bunce said.
By following Mr. Bunce’s example and communicating with those elected officials we share values and principles with; we become part of the mechanism that makes this country great! With open dialog between constituents and representatives we can expect accountability. Likewise, with accountability comes the power of impacting their decisions in a positive way, directly tied to the operation of our republic.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AM's Austin James, AM's Austin James and Marta Serradell, Eric Josephsen. Eric Josephsen said: RT @AmericaMajority: Great new post from @LaurieMasterson on AM's Blog: Vote Them All Out? #majority #tcot […]
[…] Ned Ryun, the president of American Majority, wrote a piece about the third party temptation a few months ago, and I couldn’t have said it better myself. However, now that primary season has begun, Rand Paul has become the Tea Party’s prom queen, and moderate incumbents are dropping like flies, it appears that some hard line anti-establishment types need a reminder of why the Tea Party movement would help itself by remaining exactly that: a movement, rather than a party. I point you first to Ned’s blog on the subject. Also see Laurie Masterson’s piece from yesterday at “Vote Them All Out?” […]