
Intelligent Lemmings?

July 6, 2010

Community Guest Post

This is the amount of money spent by the Federal Government in Fiscal year 2009 on Education:  $142,979,796,091.  (source)

If you are brave enough to see what has passed through the Department of Education since 1962, you can view the COMPOSITION OF OUTLAYS FOR THE CONDUCT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING: 1962–2011 by visiting WhiteHouse.Gov here.

I spent some time looking through the data and viewing this information in its historical context, it’s quite easy to see the compound increase in spending on education over the years. So, this got me to thinking…

With all the money wasted on public education, I am still amazed the Government can look us in the eye and advocate for an unending belief in increased spending on education, under the guise that we are so close to reaching an “intelligent society,” yet with the other breath, they continue to openly promote hand-holding “for our own good.”

What I wonder, is when did we, as a population, become completely unable to make decisions for ourselves? We have given up our ability to take responsibility for anything. This is not all the government’s fault.  We have let them do this. When we make the decision to take back both our rights and our responsibilities, will we be in a position to move the size and scope of government back to the position our founding father’s had envisioned.

The Liberal side in America tells us publicly they are for choice, yet privately, they move to remove all choice. They continue to advocate huge spending on education publicly, but privately the consensus among them is that we aren’t smart enough to run our own lives, so clearly they must step in. Simply stated:  As a nation of free people, we are intelligent enough to build a global super power, but we aren’t intelligent enough to make small, rational decisions regarding……well, pretty much anything.

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