Direct Mail Done Right

August 24, 2010
Whether you are running for president or the city council, direct mail will undoubtedly be a large component of your campaign strategy. When done right, direct mail is one of the most effective ways to connect with voters. Below are five rules that will enable you to put together a successful direct mail plan for the months ahead.
1.) Good pictures of the candidate are a necessity. Often campaigns will spend several thousands of dollars on mail pieces without spending the few extra dollars to have a professional take several decent photos of the candidate. Having good photos on a mailer will increase the likelihood that your audience will read on…
2.) Open space is your friend. Sure, policy details are important components of any campaign, however including elaborate 12-point plans in an unreadable front size will not grab your audience’s attention. Remember, the majority of the voters you are targeting will only spend a few seconds glancing over your mail piece. Instead, decide on your theme and include a couple of clear and concise message points in your mailer. If voters are intrigued, your website should be visible on your piece where your policy positions are laid out in more detail.
3.) Get good lists. A sure bet to save time and money on a campaign is to make certain that each piece is actually going to the correct address. To do this, obtain a certified list of addresses from your post office. Also, make certain that you household lists. Sending separate mailers to multiple individuals at the same address is a waste of resources.
4.) Your mailer should be noticeable. Everyone receives several pieces of mail each day. When designing a mailer you want it to stick out from the rest. Designing a piece that is oval, elongated, or square in size is certainly unique and increases its chances of catching the eye of the reader.
5.) Mail works best when repeated. In order for direct mail to have an impact, repetition is important. A general guideline for most campaigns when putting together a mail strategy is to do at least three targeted mailings. If your campaign only has the capacity to send out one mailer, it might be smart to save those resources and spend them on more effective activities.