On Birfers and Truthers, Part II

February 15, 2010
I’m taking this week to make it clear that American Majority does not encourage birfers or truthers, nor are they welcome at American Majority. I’ll state some more reasons below.
It appears the birfers essentially want a judicial coup. They seem to want a judge to throw Obama out of office. Let me just say, that if this case were put in front of the Supreme Court, it would be 9-0 decision to take no action because the alternative is a judicial coup to overturn a presidential election on a technicality. It would never happen.
Let me also say that the time for these issues to be addressed is during campaigns. Hillary Clinton chose not to raise it, and believe me, Hillary Clinton, with the much vaunted Clinton machine working for her, would have used this issue if she had had proof of it. If the Clinton machine could find no proof, then I’m pretty sure it’s not there. John McCain chose not to raise it, again probably because his oppo-researchers couldn’t find anything. And at the end of the day, the voters apparently did not care.
The birthers are barking and yapping about a triviality which has zero implications in the political arena, which is why they have no place in the tea party movement and should be pushed off stage. Legitimate political movements, which I believe the tea party movement can become, have no place for conspiracy theories. So the birfers and truthers can take their little conspiracies and start their own little organizations and movements and see how far it gets them. Which will be nowhere.
I’m wondering if anyone who questions the official story about the Kennedy assassination is welcome at American Majority. What say you?
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Or how about the Foster death? What about the OKC bombing? If you really think government was truthful about these incidents, I have a bridge I want to sell you.
It’s no “conspiracy theory” that Obama is hiding his evidence of eligibility, and indeed all his early records. Were they to be released, and prove him fraudulent, that would not be a judicial coup…that would be doing what the Constitution requires. By the time the Supreme Court got the issue, his term would no doubt be up.
Truth is important. Did someone say you couldn’t be part of their exclusive little club if you didn’t disavow birthers just like all the other sheep?
I think instead of using derogatory terms to describe people who are questioning certain things about the government, you could simply say “People who question the government’s credibility on issues A, B, C, etc. will not be welcome at American Majority. Seems to be the gist of what you’re saying anyway. While you’re at it, do you want to also attack “tenthers”? How about global warming “deniers”? Isn’t it so much fun to group people under the heading of one word and marginalize them?
I don’t understand the obsession with these two issues. So people think differently, so what? I get that AM doesn’t want to encourage either view, but to say people are not welcome and then to continue to go on and on and on about it… very odd.
I suspect they are following the website getting influenced by Obama directly. Don’t argue that they would have a viewpoint, but it’s certainly not a conservative one. One wonders why a conservative should ignore the Constitution just because a guy who may not be eligible got himself fraudulently elected. As a nation, we would be better off following the lead of Honduras and insisting upon upholding our Constitution. Surely, conservatives, or those who pretend to be such, should be on the side of the Constitution.
Is he eligible? Lets see the records, not the photoshopped fakes, and discover the truth.
Both my wife and I have been on the “inside” with access to our Nation’s most sensitive intelligence, and there are most likely things that will never be released. Most of these are because the release would compromise “sources or methods” of intelligence. That is not to say that a particular administration has not (or will not) distort information, hide facts, or use “white” propaganda against its own citizens. Beyond that, however, is an important truth. It really doesn’t matter. To focus on possible conspiracies is a waste of time, money and political energy.
Whatever is is; it is history. We need to live in the “now” not the past. By starting with “where we are,” we should be able to focus on where we need to be, and then outline steps to achieve those goals. Our Country is in grave danger. It think I need not tell this audience about that. It does not matter how we got here, but how to we “right the ship of State,” and set the proper course for the future.
I respectfully suggest that all of us need to put all this wasted momentum on “birthers” and “thruthers” aside for those that want to dwell in those domains. The rest of us need to think about how we get our Country back. If we end up a Moody’s “AA” or less socialist country, what damn difference does it make anyway?
Virgina: Look at the Constitution. If Mr. Obama left office, he would be replaced by VP Biden. If he left, Pelosie would take his place. Those are just as frightening, if not more so. That why it really does not matter. Go back later and maybe worry about it. It sort of like trying to find out why folks died for America in the Bay of Pigs invasion, or why my roommate in Vietnam died because of his own mistake. It may have matter then, but not now. Today is simply not the time to be faulting over such mouse things. For examle, how do we stop the Administraiton from achieving many of its goals via Executive Order? Do you even know what an EO is?
Maybe you could do the sane people here a favor and ban them. These crackpots, who are certainly only a minority of us, are a poor reflection on all in this movement. Our agenda-driven media makes sure of that.
Wow! Talk about being divisive! No thanks, I don’t want to be part of THIS organization.
People have an obligation to speak out when they think something is wrong. Just because you may not agree with them is no reason to tell them they’re not welcome.
I’m looking for and will support (in many ways!) an organization that is inclusive of everybody, as long as they support our Constitution. We are a diverse population and we do not need ANOTHER dictatorial style of political group. We can find that in the White House.
See ya!
Hey birfers and truthers who are throwing a hissy fit, saying “I don’t want to be a part of AM,” that’s the point: I don’t want you to be a part, nor do I want the crazy conspiracy theories to be associated in ANY way with AM. All you are doing is going down a rabbit hole that leads to nowhere. AM is focused, and will be focused, on the meaningful work of organizing people to win and change this country. We are about effectiveness and results; we are about the world as it is, not about fantastical conspiracy theories that if for some crazy, strange reason were in fact proved wouldn’t change the facts on the ground.
The birfer issue may have been good discourse to hear when the stories broke as they shined some light on the failures of our media to investigate the candidates properly. It taught me to temper my expections for those in the media. However, Ned Ryun is right to keep us focused on results, winning elections and looking to the future not the past. Having the Courts get into this mix now only takes our eye off the ball and opens up a whole can of unintended consequences. It’s for this focus that I’ve reached out to the AM. Keep up the good work!
It always is amazing. Some folks are just like liberals. Total emotion coupled with little facts. Or is it the other way around?
Wow, I got invited to AM training tomorrow and I thought I should check the organization out first. I am so glad I did. Thank goodness I will not be wasting my valuable time with an irrelevant organization with the likes of Ned Ryunt in charge. A little man under a little tent throwing labels around like a good liberal. I am not a “birther/truther” yet find the official story a little lacking. Those who believe they are seeking the truth certainly are part of the Tea Party movement. More so than you IMHO. As the great conservative Dick Cheney is fond of saying…”Why don’t you go #^%$ yourself”
Ned you seem to be a gullible. Now there is a label for you to use for those who question nothing and expect everyone else to do so as well.
Here’s a head line for you “Gullibles gather to gab about government, get nothing done”.
Ned, it’s a great pity that you have taken this position in vocally opposing those you dub “birfers and truthers.” I used to hold American Majority in high regard, now that is no longer the case. Many of my friends feel the same way.
To those of you who misguidedly choose to remain associated with American Majority I say “who will Ned Ryun throw out next? Maybe it will be YOU!”
Wouldn’t it be a great idea for Progressives to infiltrate a respected Conservative organization and then proceed to fragment its supporters? Is this what has happened to American Majority? I think we should be told.
I agree with you 100%. I would rather not have PELOSI one step closer to the oval office. Nothing is going to change if Obama was gone. We need to start focusing on GETTING OUT THE VOTE, not changing the vote from 2008.
I have a great get out the vote program at
I also am developing a FUNDING program where we can all get paid for what we are doing now for free. If anyone is interested in supporting your political passions and getting paid for it send me a note.
I also have GET OUT THE VOTE training programs, agenda based election models etc. Ned, send me a note. Thanks.
Conservatives would do well to stop complaining, go to Neds training and get into gear to defeat ACORN. They are getting 4 BILLION to defeat us. What are we doing?
I am a national trainer and have developed a number of programs that may be of interest to your organization. I would be willing to meet you face to face and develop these for your groups.
How to turn one vote into 60 votes
Agenda based election model
How to create funding for tea party’s.
These are simple to teach, easy to duplicate and will create a permenant Tea Party model.
Please contact me at or call me at 786 525 5739
Take a serious look at my web site.
These programs are simple, easy to teach and produce targeted results that we need IN ADDITION to the great programs you already have created-which are great.
What will be next? Militas? Anyone flying a Gadson flag, or a Three percenter flag? It would seem you are excluding a major part of the Tea Party movement. Be sure to let us all know how this works out for you. I’m not into the birther, or truther movementa either, but I’ll be danged it I would try and silence them. Those people want their country back as much as you or I. I submit they are trying their best to take this administration down. However you look at it.
Just sayin’…