American Majority

Training Events

CIAD snapshot try five
Richmond, VA – Campaign-In-A-Day Snapshot
All Day

Event Details

American Majority is excited to train conservative champions at the Virginia Tea Party’s 10th Anniversary Summer Summit, “We the People.” The Summit will be held Saturday, June 22nd from 10:00 am-4:30 pm at the Delta Hotels Richmond Downtown, 555 E. Canal Street, Richmond, VA 23219.

American Majority will be leading a Campaign-In-A-Day Snapshot training at the Summit from 1:00-3:30pm in the Rockett’s Landing room. This simulation will teach participants the different roles in campaigns, how to make quick decisions, and how to best allocate time and money during an election. Our facilitators will train on key campaign topics, and teams of attendees will compete to develop the best campaign plan.

Register HERE for the summit and learn more about the Campaign-In-A-Day Snapshot event here. If you are interesting in having Campaign-In-A-Day come to your group, contact Liz Dickinson at