Your Campaign Website: Is it Helping or Hindering You?

June 23, 2016
No one likes a bland website. Without a little spice, your campaign site could be hindering your cause rather than helping it. Incorporate the following options on your main page, and you’ll be able to create a website that will appeal to voters and increase the effectiveness of your campaign.
S is for Social Media
On your page, have links that will guide viewers to different social media networks that you have set up as part of your campaign. For example, include a Twitter feed to the left of your page as a subtle reminder that you’re always active in your campaign.
P is for Professional Photos
Display a professional photo on your homepage – preferably one where you’re sporting your best smile. It’s easier to trust a happy person over someone who looks like they ate sauerkraut for breakfast. Put a face to your name and your platform, and you’ll increase your personability which is important for establishing initial interest.
I is for Issues and Information
Your website should be the hub of your campaign. Devote a page to thoroughly express what you are running for, who you are, why you are running, what you will do if elected, along with any additional information that you feel is important.
C is for Call to Action
Include a place for viewers to submit testimonials, ask questions, register to vote, request campaign materials, or share the page with a friend via Facebook, email, or Twitter. This allows individuals to get involved even if they can’t have face-to-face interaction, and helps you accumulate support even when you aren’t actively campaigning. Just think! Your campaign could be growing while you sleep!
E is for Emailing
As specific form of the call to action, encouraging interested individuals to sign up for email updates increases the viewers’ participation one step above average participation. In giving people an option to sign up for emails with materials, updates, and reminders, you will be able to establish a network that is narrowly tailored.
D is for Donations
Don’t forget to ask for money! The presence of this option on your page may help you more than you think and is a quick and easy way for supporters to help out. Including information such as fundraising goals and how much you have so far will also help others to stay updated on the progress of your campaign.
S.P.I.C.E.D. is always more interesting than bland, so follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to a tasteful and effective website. If you’d like to bring an American Majority New Leaders Campaign Training or Social Media Training to your area, contact us today!