Why America is Great Vol. 7: Securing the Blessings of Liberty, The Three Branches of Government

October 10, 2018
Volume VII, titled “Securing the Blessings of Liberty: The Three Branches of Government,” examines the challenges of the participants in the Constitutional Convention in regards to setting up a government that could oversee a country of such vast size. This had never been done before. The great American experiment had begun. They listened to the political philosophers of the past including men like John Locke and established a three body system of government that each had their own separate powers and the ability to oversee the other parts.
In a few quick pages, you will better understand how each of the three branches were formed, the design of each and how they operate.
Download Why America is Great: Securing the Blessings of Liberty
About these pamphlets…
In the Revolutionary era, pamphlets were circulated among the colonies to publicize newsworthy headlines and rebellious rhetoric. Pamphlets such as Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” could be found in nearly every colonial household.
American Majority’s pamphlet series, “Why America is Great,” likewise spreads vital information across the nation. Each volume digs into a specific topic and examines it from various points of American history. Examining the reasons why the colonies decided to revolt enables us to better understand the political landscape today.