Where do we go from here

November 10, 2016
Unless you’re living under a rock, you must know that Donald Trump is the next President of the United States and conservatives swept into elected office across the country. They now control all 3 branches of the federal government, many governors’ seats, and state legislatures.
But that leaves conservatives with a question: as the great American poet Axl Rose once said “Where do we go from here?”
Conservatives must go on offense. It’s time to take ground lost on crucial issues like Obamacare, second amendment rights, abortion, religious freedom, and educational choice. The right must seriously tackle D.C.’s extravagant spending, not by decreasing the increase of spending, but by making meaningful cuts to wasteful programs. They cannot be like a dog that finally has caught the car and is unsure of what to do next. However, if there’s anything we know about Washington D.C., it’s that the bureaucrats and the politicians want to return to the business as usual.
We can’t allow that to happen.
Now is not the time for conservatives to sit back and hope future administrations follow through on their campaign promises. It’s time for the right to rearm itself, train more activists, find more candidates to win elections, and force those already elected to do their jobs.
And American Majority is here to do just that. 20 new leaders, trained by American Majority, won their elections. Do you think you could win an election? Take our free course to see if you have what it takes to win in 2017 and beyond. If you aren’t interested in running for office, try one of our courses on activism. As important as it is to have solid conservatives in office, it’s equally important to hold their feet to the fire and make sure they follow through.
As the presidency of Barack Obama comes to an end, let’s not forget the lessons we learned during his administration. There’s an incredible opportunity in front of us to make America more free and prosperous, but we have to put in the work to make it happen.
I hope that the leader of the House & senate will change from the past 2.. Both John Boehner & Paul Ryan bowed down to foliow the Obama agenda. So, the majority of Republicans’ had no way to make changes!
I think that Mitch McConnell did the same, am I not correct?
Let us pray for our Country and these new leaders and trust they will not forget who sent them to Washington and why! Take back our Country!
Beginning on January 18, 2017 I start back to school where I will be taking two three credit classes toward my degree in Network Engineering and at that I’ll feel comfortable taking the on line course your suggesting for beginners in politics. I’m a sixty one year old Disabled American Veteran who is married to a very nice lady who is twelve younger than I am and I want to stay busy and active well on into my later years. I’m in fairly good shape, no thanks to VA Medical that seriously screwed up on my on my last operation, I’m now under the care of a Primary Care Doctor paid for by my Medicare Plan and I’m now confident about taking on future objectives.
I voted for Donald Trump for President and was quite frankly shocked at how well he did against a politically savvy, well entrenched and long tenured candidate like Hillary Clinton. I can absolutely say with confidence that if Donald Trump can pull it off, and as well as he did so, just about anyone with a sound mind and body can also pull it off.
Thank you so much for your service! Good luck in your political and Network Engineering future.
I’m looking forward to taking a course on activism.