We Need Election Integrity First

September 2, 2021
By: Victoria Snitsar
Over the past several months, our Virginia chapter has trained over 500 activists across the Commonwealth on what they can do to fight for election transparency in their own communities.
As we emphasize in every Election Integrity training that we hold, the time, place, and manner of holding elections is set by each state as written in the United States Constitution. Though state processes for elections may vary, a need for legitimacy and confidence in how our elections operate remains the same throughout the nation.
The fight for free and fair elections across the country really does need to take place within each and every state, and patriots must fight to ensure that the process is transparent within their own local communities.
It is very rewarding to see our trainees go on and influence the electoral process in unique ways of their own choosing. Right now in America, we have the freedom to choose the extent to which we are involved in our nation’s electoral process. As a naturalized U.S. citizen and a child of immigrant parents who grew up in the Soviet Union, I don’t take that freedom for granted.
When my parents were growing up, communism was shoved down their throats by state-run institutions. Dissent and opposition to the ruling class was stifled. Most chose to comply to preserve their own livelihoods in the best case, and their lives in others.
I love speaking with our trainees and hearing that they decided to attend our event that day because they are fed up with a decision made in their community that affected them, and they chose to be there because they decided to do something about it.
That is why American Majority’s work is so critical. We are here to build a bench of conservative leaders that can be called upon in a time of need. Our trainings reach groups of passionate patriots who want to take back our Republic and preserve conservative values for the next generation. We come alongside people who are disillusioned by big government, Big Tech, the mainstream media, and party bosses. They are tired of being ignored and they want to get back to having a government that truly represents them and their interests. When people attend our Election Integrity training sessions, they know that they are learning how to protect their right to vote – their most basic civil right.
Now in America, we are free to choose our path forward – both as individuals and as a nation. Although opposition to popular or mainstream sects of political thought isn’t easy now, it is guaranteed to only get worse if we don’t speak up.
Some of our trainees are running for office themselves, while others are helping their neighbors run. They are also spreading the message that Election Integrity is the paramount electoral issue by writing letters to the editor, starting groups in their local communities, and inviting us to present subsequent training sessions to further equip them to make a difference.
Over the last decade, I have lived and worked in states that have gotten Election Integrity right, but I have also worked in those that need to make improvements to their process. The process in Virginia needs to be improved, and many of our present day issues do have a permanent legislative fix. However, that fix will not come to fruition if conservatives sit on the sidelines this year. In 2020, millions of out-of-state dollars spent by liberal billionaires went unanswered, and we cannot let that happen again. We are engaged in an uphill battle, one of the people versus institutions of mass control. People power is how we fight back.
Advancing other conservative issues that our activists may be passionate about – whether it is combating Critical Race Theory in their local schools, standing for the Second Amendment, or fighting against radical leftist policies that threaten the sanctity of life – won’t happen unless the right people get elected to office.
Election Integrity is the issue that should be solved first. Join us in the fight to protect our electoral rights. You can find our training calendar HERE for an Election Integrity training near you. Can’t find one? You can submit a request for one of our trainers to come to your community HERE!