We Must Ban Human Nature for the Sake of Humanity

August 14, 2019
In the wake of the Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton shootings, Americans have heard quite a bit of talk about assault weapons bans and “red flag” laws. I think it’s probably time to accept that there should be bans. Surely, though, guns aren’t the only objects in need of banning. Here are a few modest proposals.
First, it’s time to ban knives. While I understand that these tools are useful in the kitchen, for hunting, for carving, quite frankly for all sorts of things, the fact is knives kill. I bet you didn’t know this, but you are four times more likely to be murdered with a knife or box cutters than with a rifle. Therefore, morally, to save society, we should ban knives and box cutters. While I’m very sorry that this will make it difficult for you to open packages that some genius decided to seal with half a roll of packing tape, what is that frustration when pitted against saving even one human life?
While we’re at it, it’s time to also ban hands and feet. Before you start complaining, I get it. I understand the potential this ban has to make it difficult for us to function in life, but we need to be serious about the deaths that hands and feet cause: personal weapons, known as hands, feet, or fists, killed 692 people in 2017 according to the latest FBI stats versus 403 by a rifle, which by the way, nearly half of those rifle deaths are for unknown causes (think accidents).
The dangers of hands and feet are not to be taken lightly. Read the full article at American Greatness.