
Use AmazonSmile to Support Conservatives

October 7, 2014

Shop at Amazon SmileWith busy lives and tight budgets, it’s easy to find excuses to not contribute to our favorite causes and charities. At American Majority, we’ve found a way to help you support the conservative cause without taking an extra dime out of your wallet.

If you’re anything like me, you find yourself shopping more and more online. We’re proud to announce that American Majority is now participating in AmazonSmile. This innovative program allows you to direct a percentage of the cost of your online purchases to the conservative cause and American Majority without any additional cost to you.

As you know, principled leadership in America is needed now more than ever. By using AmazonSmile to support American Majority you can help us educate conservative leaders and activists across the country!

Simply click here and hit “Start Shopping” and .5% of the price of your future purchases will go towards training America’s next generation of principled, conservative leaders.

Think about it — if you spend $50 a month via AmazonSmile, $.25 will go to American Majority. It may not sound like much. However, if all of our supporters do this, it will result in over $10,000 raised each year to train conservative leaders and activists. All at no extra cost!

Click here to begin supporting American Majority and the conservative movement today.

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