Ukraine Demonstrates the Need for Gun Protections

March 3, 2022
The question of upholding the right of self-defense shouldn’t be political. Even so, supporters of the Second Amendment and our right as free people to arm ourselves are constantly attacked as wild-eyed crazies and “gun nuts.” So imagine my surprise at seeing Ukraine, a country with strict gun laws, “handing out” guns to its citizens for use as protection against the Russian invasion. It’s almost as if guns in the right hands can be used for good.
The siren song of gun control is ever present in the left-wing agenda. But people alleged to be on the Right are also constantly suggesting that we need at least “some” gun control. Because of these ubiquitous sentiments, I believe it’s necessary to point out the obvious:
- If you are suggesting the answer is “more” gun laws, please know, there are already more than 300,000 state and federal gun laws on the books in the United States.
- No form of gun control implemented against law-abiding citizens will ever change the actions committed by criminals or the mentally ill.
- No government, including our own, is ever going to give up its firearms. This seems obvious, but it’s necessary to point out since officials are always seeking to impose more restrictions on us but none on themselves. Citizens are asked to ignore the fact that throughout history those in power, when unchecked by a vigorous and self-governing citizenry, have instructed members of the military and law enforcement to imprison, starve, torture, experiment on, and then, inevitably, commit mass genocide against their own people for the perverted purposes of the ruling class.