The Power of One Vote

December 6, 2013
One vote can make the difference not just in elections, but also in local government. Recently in Wisconsin, Kenosha Unified School Board voted in favor of an extension of a collective bargaining agreement on a 4-3 vote, despite Wisconsin law prohibiting them from doing so. Had there been one more conservative vote on the Board, the vote would have gone the other way and the School Board would not be subject to a lawsuit for illegally collectively bargaining.
In Wisconsin, collective bargaining reforms (“ACT 10”) became law in 2011, but some local government units pre-empted the law’s application to them by ramming through new union contracts. Conservatives should be motivated at how the Left is able to all too often dominate local governments in their communities. Conservatives cannot remain idle as powerful unions and liberals continue to take over government and impose their will. The Left has always focused on local government as a bench to run for higher offices and a way to increase the size of government. Conservatives need to be the ones to take over these local offices to ultimately stop these liberal tactics.
Conservatives need to run for local office to ultimately change the liberal domination that currently presides over their neighborhoods. It’s time to have a powerful voice in local government offices, not just sit by and watch sales taxes rise, or the implementation of common core seize schools. Are you irritated by the zoning laws put into place in your neighborhood? Are you on a fiscal rage regarding your unrealistic tax bill you receive in your mailbox? Do something about these issues starting at the local level.
American Majority can equip you with the essentials to run a successful campaign and win. Spring elections are rapidly approaching in the state of Wisconsin, with the filing deadline to get on the ballot on January 7. Conservatives, now is the time to run for these offices. Election Day is on April 1, and you can be the ones to ultimately change your local government. We have witnessed the power that one vote has, so make yourself that one vote.