Supporting Non-Profits At No Extra Cost

December 3, 2018
In today’s integrated tech world, it is becoming harder and harder to have an excuse not to contribute a tax-deductible donation to charities. One excuse that does still work, however, is having a tight budget. Not everyone can afford to contribute regularly (or irregularly) to a 501 (C) (3) organization no matter how worthy the cause, and many causes there are! Simply put, for the average person, there are far more organizations then there are funds to go around.
Compounding this problem is that these various organizations are, by definition, charitable, few have the monetary capability to successfully raise enough money to fill all their budget needs regularly and to the extent they hope for. This is especially true with grassroots organizations that do not have large budgets with which to have aggressive fundraising campaigns and thus have smaller donor bases.
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to contribute to organizations without having to actually spend any money? Well now there is… sort of. Amazon has a program where you can have 0.5% of your regular purchase donated to a charity of your choice at no extra cost to yourself. “But wait a minute” you might say, “I’m only spending $500 for some college books, how is my $2.50 going to make that much of a difference?” First let me reiterate that this will NOT cost you $2.50, that amount is automatically donated by The AmazonSmile Foundation. Secondly, you are assuming you would be the only one donating! Let’s assume for a moment that $10,000 in purchases are made while supporting the same organization: that’s $500 in donations made with no extra cost to the consumer and, let me tell you, $500 is no small amount for most non-profits.
What does this have to do with American Majority? Aside from the fact that we encourage active participation and involvement in your community, American Majority is also an approved charity in for this program! If you are looking to get involved in your government, in supporting responsible new leaders, ensuring a better tomorrow for our country and all of this without having to spend anything extra, consider using AmazonSmile and adding American Majority to your normal Amazon account. Just like a vote, every dollar counts.