Son of Gov. Walker to Spearhead NH and VT Activist Trainings

April 16, 2015
Do you know men and women interested in influencing positive change on their college campuses or within their local communities?
Don’t miss the series of activist trainings we at American Majority are hosting — the first in Concord, New Hampshire on Wednesday, April 22 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. and the second in Burlington, Vermont on Thursday, April 23 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Food and drinks will be served at both events.
Matt Walker, son of political heavyweight Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, is spearheading part of the training focusing on mobilizing young people. Walker led campus-outreach efforts in the 2014 Wisconsin gubernatorial election and helped to increase his father’s share of the youth vote over prior election cycles.
If you are interested in learning how students can reach the next generation and mobilize them to make a difference, you won’t want to miss the training. Come hear how you can play a part in helping to impact the youth vote in future cycles and listen to a student leader’s experiences on the trail.
Instant Activism: The second part of the trainings features a presentation that delves into how any activist can use their skill set to help future leader(s) of his or her choice. We will discuss the numerous needs of a campaign and how volunteers can help. We walk through an entire grassroots strategy — from writing effective letters to the editor to successfully helping voters get to the polls on Election Day. We want you to make the most of your time in the months leading up to an election.
For more information or to register today see, April 22 New Hampshire Activist Training or the April 23 Vermont Activist Training!
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