Patriot Multiplies Her Effect 100x

February 11, 2010
I first met Debra Kohl at an activist training I conducted last Friday near St Louis. Nothing about Debra stood out at first- she was quiet during the political training sessions, attentively taking notes. But when I sat down next to her during lunch, she told me a story:
In September, our president Ned Ryun conducted a similar activist training in St Louis, which Debra also attended. During the training, Ned discussed how few Americans are registered voters, and how even fewer show up to vote on Election Day. Later in the political training, Ned encouraged each attendee to think about one thing they could do, one specific way to implement liberty.
Debra chose voter registration.
Since September, Debra has convinced more than 100 other individuals to lead voter registration drives in their own communities, is compiling informational packets and voter guides, and just today, held her first Voter Registration Training. At the training, she taught attendees to register voters, become poll watchers, serve as election judges, and to understand how important the voting process really is. Twenty-one people attended her training today, and she has several more trainings already set up during the remainder of the month. She just told me over the phone that while most of the people have been in the St Louis area, she was contacted today by a woman from Hannibal and asked to provide help to that region of the state as well.
At American Majority, we believe that national change begins at the state and local level. Debra is a perfect example of the difference that one patriot can make, and how that difference on the local level can spread to impact the state.
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