How to Make Sense of Your Twitter Feed Using Only Your Smartphone
April 22, 2015
“To tweet or not to tweet?” That is the question. This blog post will help move you away from wondering whether to create a Twitter account to asking yourself “What should I tweet today?”
Many of us created a handle in the early days of Twitter only to let it fall by the wayside because of the deluge of news; commentary; borderline porn; marketeers; entrepreneurs; “motivational speakers;” fat-burning gimmicks. The list goes on. But there is a way to make Twitter less intimidating. Here’s how:
Create Twitter lists
1. Open the Twitter app and click the settings button. Up will pop a “Lists” button on the dropdown menu — tap it and move to the next step.
2. Tap the plus sign in the upper-right-hand corner of the following page to add a new Twitter list.
3. Create a name for the list and add a short summary of who all is included on the list, determine whether you want to set the list to private and click “Save.”
4. Search the people you follow and add their Twitter handles to the list, click “Done” and voila!
5. If you ever want to edit your list(s), click “Edit” in the upper-right-hand corner of the page after drilling into the specific list you want to change. From there, you can add and delete members or delete the entire list.
Happy tweeting!