How Does Your State Rank?

April 15, 2015
It’s a fact. States with lower taxes and less government spending experience more economic growth. The state in which you live affects jobs and business growth more than many may may think. Where does your state fall this year on the economic scale?
Rich States, Poor States, the annual study from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), reviews the economic performance of each state over the last ten years, and forecasts each economic outlook based on current standing in state policy variables. Utah, North Dakota, and Indiana this year received the highest marks for 2015 economic outlook!
When introducing the state rankings, the report states that, “Generally speaking, states that spend less—especially on income transfer programs, and states that tax less—particularly on productive activities such as working or investing—experience higher growth rates than states that tax and spend more.” Big surprise!
Find out where your state ranks in 2015, and understand what’s happening not only in your state, but on a national economic level. Examine why New York is considered last in economic standing out of all fifty states, closely followed by Vermont and Minnesota, and whether particular legislative policies can be tied to the low economic growth. It’s been proven again and again that lower taxes and less federal regulation encourages jobs, business growth, and indeed the entire economy, which is why we at American Majority encourage you to take definitive steps to change your community for the better.
Download our free resources, schedule a training, and become involved at a local level to make long term impact on our country.