Download Now: CPAC Activism Boot Camp Guides

March 16, 2016
If you’re like the American Majority team, you just recovered from CPAC when Daylight Savings Time hit. We hope you’re not dealing with it like our team is—drinking a total of 91 cups of coffee per day!
We were excited to meet and talk with each conservative who took the time to learn the latest in political training at the 2016 CPAC Activism Boot Camp. Your commitment to the conservative cause is what empowers and encourages us to do what we do—bring the nation’s best grassroots training to YOU. Request a training!
As you walked into the Activism Boot Camp, one of our volunteers handed you a series of guides describing how you can train to win in your local communities. We want to make sure that you receive an electronic copy of these flyers to share with family and friends:
- Student Activism Guide: Only 43% of millennials are politically literate and a mere 26% are getting involved. Use this guide to learn how to leverage cutting-edge technology, impact local politics, and talk about issues without making enemies—all while still in college.
- Community Activism Guide: You are on the front lines, so this guide will give you the top tips you need to bring fiscal sanity and principled leaders to your communities. Learn how to build a grassroots activism network, stay informed on local issues, and engage your network to #win2016.
- Next-Level Campaign Guide: The days of paper walk books and clipboard surveys are over. Use this next-level guide to learn how to run a leading-edge campaign, top strategies for cutting-edge campaigns, how to set a vote goal, and how to integrate all aspects of your campaign.
We can’t wait to continue bringing you the latest in next-level political grassroots training—from one conservative to another. Reach out to us!