Campaigning in a Crisis | Jacob Immel

June 29, 2020
In the midst of a pandemic and unrest, Jacob Immel ran and won his election for the County Board in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. With the help of American Majority’s online trainings and resources, he is now leading his community towards a brighter future.
After graduating from college and getting involved in local government in positions as a member of the Sheboygan Falls City Council, a member of the County Traffic Safety Committee and part of the Joint County Library Planning Committee, Immel decided to run to represent his district on the County Board at the ripe old age of 25.
In our online trainings and resources, he gained social media tools and tips on using local connections for campaigning that helped him win against a ten year incumbent.
Immel says that he plans to use his knowledge gained to “further [his] social media skills and continue to network with various groups and various coalition leaders.”
A major part of both campaigning and governing is building connections. Jacob Immel saw that firshand on the campaign trail as he tried to ask for donations and bring volunteers on to the campaign.
“I find it funny that when you need donations and volunteer help when you first run, it is harder to find. You really need to utilize your friends and family. Once you run for reelection and for other offices, it is easier to find help and resources.”
Since then, he has gotten better at asking for volunteer help. “I know there is some apprehension,” Immel says, “so just don’t be afraid to go for it.”
For him, getting to know potential voters in his district and hearing their concerns was the highlight of the campaign trail as it made him a better representative.
Involvement in your community does not have to be daunting. Start small. Many of the most impactful decisions are made at the local level.
“I would tell people, especially young people to just go for it. It doesn’t have to even be running for office, it can be joining a committee and working up from there.”
Click HERE to discover other trainings like those Immel received or click HERE to see our online course offerings