Campaign-In-A-Day Student Profile: Elijah O’Neal

August 21, 2019
In 2016 American Majority held our first Campaign-In-A-Day event in July in Ohio with 70 students. Fast forward to 2019 where this summer we have traveled to 7 states to train over 400 students and adults through our traditional Campaign-In-A-Day, training as well as the new Campaign-In-A-Day Snapshot, and our Campaign-In-A-Week programs. This profile series of blog posts are this summer’s attendees experiences with the event.
Name: Elijah O’Neal
From: Arizona
Education/Occupation: Student at EMCC
Campaign-In-A-Days Attended: Patriot Academy – Texas 2017, 2018, 2019; Arizona 2019; Idaho 2019; Delaware 2019
My CIAD experience has been wonderful. I remember my very first year being chosen to be the candidate for our team. As the candidate, I had to write an elevator pitch about my candidacy, work with the team (especially my campaign manager to ensure team cohesion), and make the final determination on the direction of the campaign and the overall functions thereof. During my first time, I was nervous because I was told an actual representative from the Texas Legislature would judge our campaigns. In all honesty, I thought we were going to embarrass ourselves. In the end, it was incredibly fun, exciting, and the nerves disappeared when we realized everyone there wanted to see us do well and succeed.
CIAD does an excellent job teaching what it takes to start and run an effective campaign. Most people today do not understand the science of campaigning, nor do they know the resources and man-power it takes to function as a formidable campaign team. Not only does CIAD give you the skills to win and the strategy and tactics to do so, but it allows you to live it by assigning you to actual campaign roles. Along with role play, you are also tested by real-world unexpected twists thrown into your campaign to test your ability to work with your team to form effective and coordinated responses under pressure. My favorite job was to write the radio-ad scripts and elevator speeches for my candidate. It’s fulfilling to see the reactions of the other team and judges when you know that line you just said won their hearts and minds!
The hardest part was working together as a team because there are always competing opinions and thoughts on how to approach certain situations. I always reminded those on the teams I worked with that this is the candidate’s campaign, and we must follow his or her lead. Win or lose, everyone has a great time, and you gain a new found respect for those who do this not just for a day like us, but a year or more pouring their time, money, and effort into sweet victory!
My advice for those attending a CIAD workshop is to have ALL THE FUN! Come with an open mind and a willing attitude, and you’ll have a great experience and obtain knowledge that you can apply to a real world campaign!