Announcing a new Colorado chapter!

April 19, 2016
I’m proud to announce that we have launched a new American Majority Colorado Chapter this month. We welcome American Majority Colorado Executive Director Nick McIntyre to the team, a talented trainer with experience in Colorado politics.
Nick will be conducting grassroots training events across the state. If you live in Colorado, reach out to Nick at to introduce yourself and let him know how he can come alongside you this year!
A word from Nick:
“I am honored to have the opportunity to work with the team at American Majority. For years, progressives in Colorado have been able to increase the size of government and trample our rights while conservatives struggle to build a coherent grassroots infrastructure. At the state and local level, conservatives in Colorado must organize and unite in order to halt the growth of government, and restore the principles of limited government that once made this state great.
We aren’t here, however, to revert to the past. Instead, American Majority looks to the future – to the cutting edge of effective political strategy – to train conservatives how to win now. Whether it’s effectively using social media or getting out the vote, American Majority will train grassroots activists and candidates to defeat big-government policies.
The 2016 cycle has already been a whirlwind full of political newcomers and major upsets. We have the opportunity in Colorado to shape the direction of our state and build an effective grassroots machine in 2016 and beyond. I’m excited to get going!”
We look forward to working with many of you this year!