American Majority-Trained Scot Shumski becomes prominent School Board Voice

June 9, 2014
At a Burlington School Board meeting last week, a city resident chided the board for allowing School Commissioner Scot Shumski to organize a “vote no” campaign on the recent school budget.
“Although not illegal, I never witnessed such an insolent demonstration of ethical misconduct,” said Helen Hossley of Ward 7. “Is the board leadership that weak that it allowed such actions to continue?”
Shumski dismisses such criticism.
“I’m still waiting for the statement I’m supposed to sign where I waive my First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,” Shumski said in response the next morning as he sat in his front yard on North Avenue while his three children, ages 1, 3 and 5, played nearby. “And upon being provided with that statement, I will gladly refuse to sign it.”
Shumski, 42, has served on the School Board for only two months, but already he has become well known.