
Announcing the Brand New Online Advanced Social Media Course

AdvancedSocial Media
March 27, 2017

You know the basics of social media, but you need to step it up a notch to propel your campaign beyond your competition. American Majority can help you do that by introducing you to the latest trends, tips, and tricks to get your message out to as many people as possible with creative and memorable posts. Our brand new online course, Advanced Social Media, will take you through the steps you need to become a social media power user so your campaign is able to stand out in the crowded social media arena.

Advanced Social Media from American Majority Online can help you advance your social media marketing to the next level. Discover how to utilize Facebook Live, ManageFlitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and more to move your campaign forward.

To find out more about this and other courses, visit American Majority Online or sign up directly at Advanced Social Media. If you have any questions regarding this course, please email

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