Activism Boot Camp Comes to You

March 12, 2015
1,000 Trained Students, Activists & Campaign Staffers
The CPAC Activism Boot Camp last month was a roaring success, with almost 1,000 people trained to run winning campaigns and communicate their messages online and face-to-face.
The three-day event drew national media attention with CNN, NPR, Boston Globe and other media outlets highlighting how conservatives learned to gain an edge on the Left.
Bring an Activism Boot Camp to Your Community
The CPAC Activism Boot Camp was phenomenal, but if we want the conservative movement to press on we cannot lose that momentum.
Campaigns & Elections Magazine published an article today highlighting “How to Train for Some Gain.” The author emphasizes how a single day of training with experts can make a critical difference to a campaign: “Set aside at least one day as early as functionally possible in your campaign to bring the entire operation together to improve their professional skills and solidify the needs and expectations of every element.”
Whether you’re a student, activist or a campaign staffer, what are you hoping to accomplish this year? Our training is tailored to you and puts years of political experience at your disposal, giving you the tools to succeed.