Activate Your Campus

April 26, 2013
It’s no secret that American colleges are the strongest—and least opposed—bastions of radical liberalism in the nation. Liberal college professors outnumber their conservative counterparts by three to one on college campuses. A whopping nine out of ten university faculty members supported Barack Obama in the 2008 election, and 96 percent donated to the Obama campaign in 2012. In the 2012 presidential election, Mitt Romney had an abysmal showing among young voters and only one in three college-age students voted for him.
But our country is waiting for young people with courage to stand up, be leaders, and speak out for liberty. This year American Majority has doubled down and refocused its efforts to emphasize reaching college students through its campus training program, Campus Majority. Conservative students are learning how to get involved on campus, make a difference on campaigns, and utilize social media effectively to lead their generation.
And it’s working. After receiving training in February, one Wisconsin college group created headlines that helped to ultimately unseat a liberal recall signing judge, who was an 18 year incumbent. Two students from another college immediately jumped into the spring election cycle after attending Campus Majority and helped bring their local candidate to victory.
Here’s what you can do:
- Activate Your Campus: Take a sneak peek at our brand new Campus Majority Manual.
- Bring in Campus Majority to transform your local college campus. Request a training today!
The enthusiasm of the college students we work with is contagious. One trainee told us this week: “That training was one of the most fun and lively political trainings I’ve ever been too!”
Let us know how we can best serve you as, together, we support and prepare our students to impact their country and reach their peers.