American Majority
Disenfranchised Arkansas District 83?
If you have ambitions of being a playwright I hope you are taking notes on the political happenings here in Arkansas. You could have a…
On a hot day in June 1815, standing atop a distant hill facing a red sea of British troops, Napoleon Bonaparte surveyed the military mass…
Proof in the A.M. Pudding
Every now and again we like to pat ourselves on the back. Not so much because we need self-acclamation, rather it is imperative to shine…
Time for your New Year’s resolutions….
That time of year has come where everyone is vowing to do this or that. Probably the most popular is to lose weight and get…
What To Give Thanks For This Holiday Season? How About Social Media?
The positive impact that social media is having throughout our world is undeniable. Let us not forget, particularly during this holiday season, that one of the things that we should be thankful for is the opportunity to express our political beliefs freely and openly through the use of social media. We sometimes joke about it, but quite frankly, I can’t imagine our country and world without it. It has been a force of change, all for the better.
Wisconsin already has a deficit of $150 million in the current fiscal year and $3.3 billion in the next two-year state budget. In order to address these staggering budget shortfalls, spending cuts will need to be made in many areas.
Twisted Christmas
.As with many things across our culture today the heritage and story behind the Twelve Days of Christmas has been mangled. This particular Christian observance may…
Our Debt Crisis Matters
On the surface, it seems valid for conservatives to be concerned primarily with lowering taxes. After all, less taxation means that people are able to…