Omaha, NE Candidate and Activist Training

February 17, 2010
Our nation was founded by ordinary citizen activists desiring a government that was accountable to the people. Today, ordinary citizens across our nation are tired of the status quo and ready to engage for the betterment of their communities.
American Majority is pleased to announce a Candidate and Activist Training will be conducted on Saturday, March 20 in Omaha, NE to provide citizens with the tools necessary to become effective activists
The training will take place at the Embassy Suites La Vista, 12520 Westport Pkwy in La Vista, room Dapper I, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Registration begins at 9:00 am. Registration is $30 for activists if you pre-register online or $35 at the door. The candidate track registration is $55 for candidates, $30 for campaign managers/staffers/volunteers, or $60 at the door. Space is limited. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged and includes lunch as well as full training materials.
Topics to be covered during the Training include:
- Building Coalitions and Reaching Your Community
- Holding Government Accountable
- Volunteering in Campaigns
- Successfully Utilizing New and Traditional Media
- Hardwiring Your Precinct
- Building an Effective Candidacy
Full training materials, samples and supplements will be provided to help you apply what you learn to your organization, candidate, cause or community.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, call Beka Romm at 913-940-7369 or e-mail
American Majority is a non-profit and non-partisan organization whose mission is to train and equip a national network of leaders committed to individual freedom through limited government and the free market.
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Hi, Beka! How are you? I think back to your seminar and learned so much. It was soooo good – giving people the info they need to be better citizens. I wish I could do what you do. Actually, I applied for the ‘Mechanics’ Position. I got an email Friday (2-26), was gone the weekend; then on 3-1, I quickly answered the questions, did a 1 minute video clip, updated my resume, and sent everything off at 4:53pm for the deadline! But, I don’t think I showed enough enthusiasm on the video. I had been up since 5:30 am, worked my job, then came home and started the application about 2:30 pm. Oh, well. I tried. I would like to bring alot of people up to Omaha. So, I better get busy and get the details and start inviting people!
Looking forward to seeing you again.
Karen Watson
I signed up as a canidate I recieved no cofirmation information, so I hit the back button where I saw posted do not hit back button or you may recieve multiple charges, & I STILL HAVE NO CONFIRMATION INFOMATION FOR THIS EVENT OF WHICH ONLY I WILL BE ATTENDING ALONE (ONE PERSON MYSELF) WHICH I HAD TO SCHEDULE OFF WITH MY EMPLOYER so I could attend. SO WHATS UP & COFIRM WITH ME I WAS ONLY CHARGED ONCE FOR 1 person a canidate? & email a reciept. Please. THANK YOU.
Event Details
Type of Training(s): Candidate and Activist (Separate Tracks)
Date(s) and Time(s): Saturday, March 20 (9:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Location(s): Embassy Suites Omaha-La Vista located at 12520 Westport Parkway – La Vista, NE – map
Contact(s): American Majority at or call (785)-233-3800.
Pricing Structure:
Candidate Track: $55 for each candidate in advance, $60 at the door; $30 for each staffer, spouse, volunteer, or additional attendee attending with the candidate in advance; $35 at the door. Costs include lunch.
Activist Track: $30 per person in advance, $35 per person at the door. Costs include lunch.