Health Care and Getting Engaged Locally

March 26, 2010
I grew up wanting to be a doctor just like my dad. My science scores soon put that dream to rest and I chose politics as a second calling, but for about five years, I worked at his office. My dad has practiced for 25 years in a Kansas town of about 600 with no traffic lights and some of the best people you could hope to know. So it should come as no surprise that when Congress passed the monstrous health control legislation Sunday, it started my week on a sour note. The legislation increases costs and government interference with private practices like my dad’s, levies higher taxes on businesses that employ our friends and neighbors, and takes away the individual freedom to choose one’s own health care.
This week has seen many impassioned debates about the legislation around the nation- yet here in Kansas, we debated the same issue with much less publicity. SCR 5032 was defeated twice this week in our Kansas legislature. The bill would have placed a constitutional amendment on the ballot for the people’s vote on whether to reject the restrictions the national government put upon our liberties through the health control bill. Some of the local tea party groups sent ambassadors to talk with their state legislators about the bill; yet, not surprisingly, local and state media offered little coverage of the legislation, and many citizens didn’t even know that the bill was being considered.
We at American Majority often say that change begins at the state and local level, and we encourage individuals to work for the national change they seek through their own communities. This is a perfect example.
But we the people have another opportunity to make our voices heard- after all, November is coming and it is an election year. Kansans can start by clicking here to find out how their legislator voted on the bill. For a list of email addresses for each legislator, Smart Girl Politics has put together this Google database. A government of the people, for the people, by the people depends upon the people contacting their elected representatives and holding them accountable to be responsive. When that fails, often the best way to hold someone accountable is to get involved in their opponent’s campaign.
I’ve had a bad week. The arrogance of a Congress who voted against the majority of Americans, despite the calls, letters and protests, was startling to see. Founding Father Samuel Adams knew this day would come and gave firm instructions: “If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” This week, we face new dangers from a government which knows no bounds and threats to liberty which know no end. Now is the time to translate that anxiety over the direction of our country, the anger towards the lack of responsive representation, and the passion for our sacred liberty into action. Get involved today by attending a Candidate Training or Activist Training. Learn to make the most of your time, energy and efforts at the Post Party Summits. Game on, friends. We have seven months until November.
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So vehemently are the members of this regime working to take over the law of the land and morph it into something that is so abhorrent to the American people, that they outrageously insult, defame, and ignore us in order to put forth their extreme agenda. Americans will not forget much to the detriment of any tolerance of ideology that is consistent with that of freedom loving people.