Elections Have Consequences

March 25, 2010
As American Majority continues to support the conservative movement by helping build a much needed farm team of commonsense candidates for local and state office and training local activists in the arts of effective political advocacy, our effort can be succinctly stated:
“American Majority teaches conservatives to win.”
Winning is important. In a culture where everyone gets a trophy and good intentions are rewarded as much as victory, this is sometimes difficult to remember. Let me assure you, winning matters. The adage reads, “to the victor goes the spoils” but for many this statement does not resonate because we are constantly focused on the idea that it’s the thought that counts and we still win because we are “right”.
Despite the fact that a majority of Americans identify and agree with the principles of limited government, personal freedom, and a free market, we find ourselves in a place where these ideas don’t matter because the people who have won politically are calling the shots.
Recently, the merits of political success have been made dramatically clear to supporters of limited government and personal freedom. Those who are electorally victorious are granted the power to make public policy… and they have. The liberals in Washington DC, empowered by their electoral political success, are recasting American public policy in their ideological image. This should come as no surprise. For too long, conservatives have rested on the laurels of being right at the expense of winning. Being right means nothing if you cannot govern.
For idealists who find solace in the righteous theories of limited government and individual liberty, believing they will magically prevail and protect America from increasing government intrusion, I must burden you with reality: People who are right but do not strategically organize to win, will always suffer defeat at the hands of those whose ideas have no value yet execute a tactical plan focused on winning. Ideas do matter, but are worthless if you cannot figure out how to win with them.
Elections matter. American Majority contends that winning depends on strategy and execution. The only way to definitively shape American government is to win elections. Let’s focus on the ways and means of political success.
American Majority currently provides Candidate Training and Activist Training opportunities across the country to conservatives focused on winning. Check us out, and remember, “There are no points for second place.”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by AM's Austin James, The 912 Project, Raz Shafer, doris belbusti, Texas Majority and others. Texas Majority said: Great post by @A_Kerr : AM's Blog: Elections Have Consequences #majority #tcot […]
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