Campaign Manuals
Our online training manuals serve to complement our training courses. Each manual has been carefully crafted to emphasize the unique nature of your state. While our more extensive Candidate, Activist, and Campus Majority manuals are only provided to attendees of our trainings, we are confident these free manuals will serve as a valuable resource in helping you meet your goals before and after a training session.
Campaign Manual
Check out American Majority’s new manual for candidates and campaign managers. Please be sure to check out the rest of our resources for candidates and campaigns, including the essential vote goal worksheet. We hold Candidate Trainings across the country, so check back for one near you, or submit a request.
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County Commission Manual
In a way, local government is the cradle for American self-government, and a country is made strong, and free, only through local citizens engaging in the process of governing themselves. Many Americans want to take a more active role in their communities, but simply don’t know where to begin. American Majority’s County Commission Manual aims to help you answer that question.
What is a county commission? How do they work? How do I run for the board? All of these questions and more are answered in this free manual. Download the manual or view it online now and make sure you share it with friends and neighbors in your community.
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School Board Manuals
One of the most basic forms of local government is the school board. There are over 15,000 school districts in America, with roughly 85,000 school board members. Despite the money being spent, American test scores continue to decline, and as a nation we continue to lose ground to other countries around the world.
What we need for our school boards are more people dedicated to seeing the system work. If we want America to continue to be a great nation, then we need to focus on how we might best empower our children to succeed in the future. School boards often serve as natural gateways to higher office. If you are looking to make a significant difference in the future of your children, your community, and this country, consider running for your local school board.
City Council Manuals
Your city council and its policy decisions have some of the most significant and direct effects on your daily life. City budgets, community regulations, transportation projects, tax rates, appropriation of funds, and project proposals all go through the hands of city council members. When our Founding Fathers first considered what type of government to institute, they determined that the best kind was local and accountable to the people. Municipal government is a direct result of that philosophy. City councils are the policy-making arm of local government, controlling both day-to-day operations and long-term city planning. If you want to make a significant impact on your community, consider taking the next step and running for your city council.
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