
A Word on Saturday’s Tragedy

January 10, 2011

Almost immediately after the awful tragedy in Tuscon, Arizona on Saturday, people, particularly those on the left, tried to score political points. I was stunned at the total hypocrisy, and the asinine comments being made. Some were saying that the shooter of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords must have been a tea partier incited to violence by Sarah Palin or others on the right. I think Erick Erickson over at had a nice post touching on this subject, and I don’t want to dwell on that too long, because the point of this post is not about what whether the shooter was right or left wing, even whether his motivations for the shootings were political at all (though I must say, people who read Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto are typically not tea party types).

The point is that sometimes crazy people do awful things, and what took place on Saturday was a seriously deranged young man committing a horrible act of murder. As the father of three young children, hearing the mother of Christina Greene, the nine year old girl who was shot and killed, describing what took place was gut-wrenching. We would be best served to pray for those who lost their lives, pray for their families, for Congresswoman Giffords as she fights for her life, and not debase ourselves with crass, hypocritical attempts to score points.


  1. Randy on January 10, 2011 at 10:16 am

    I feel sorry for the people who was involved, most of all I feel for the taxpayers who will foot the bill of the trail of this killer…there is no doubt that he did the shooting…we will screw around for years spend millons for mental test and expert witnesses….this killer tried, if found guilty, should be put to death by same means as he killed with in 2 months…This would curb alot of the crimes if we were tough on crime…But we are not…

  2. Kara Wood on January 10, 2011 at 11:09 am

    Thank you for acknowledging the horror that so many of us feel at the senseless shooting in Tucson and framing it in a common sense analysis of the situation.

  3. Blaine A Dunning on January 10, 2011 at 12:36 pm

    The liberal media, bloggers have been setting up using a tragedy like what happend in Tucson for two years. The kept at the tea party, palin, ruah and anybody who disagrees with them as violent. They couldn’t wait for something bad to happen so they could shout out loud how right they are. They have no soul for using what happened in Tucson for political gain, all of them are cowards!

  4. Patrick Jean on January 10, 2011 at 1:09 pm

    I was one of the Palin critics after the shooting, and I was *NOT* trying to “score points” by doing so. For her to take down her “crosshairs” graphic (“surveyor’s symbols,” my ass) less than a half-hour after the shooting is indicative of feeling guilt.

    Is she directly responsible? No. Is she — and every other loudmouth, left and right, who has contributed to the deterioration of our sociopolitical discourse in recent years — indirectly responsible? Yes.

    Please let this be the “jumping the shark” moment when we step back and THINK before we open our mouths or hit “send.” The tree of liberty has been refreshed with enough blood.

  5. Jenny Brown on January 10, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    How dare the left blame this or any other tragedy on the Tea Party or anyone that is conservative or anyone that goes against the agenda of the dems and Obama. This has nothing to to with us. This deranged man had this planned and he was more left than most. The Tea Party DOES NOT CONDONE VIOLENCE nor do we incite it. All the violence that has been caused at any townhall meetings or gatherings is from people on the left or by union members who are blatently democrats. This deranged man is neither a tea partier nor a conservative. The main stream media will go to ANY LENGTHS to blame the right and especially the Tea Party for any sort of violence. It is ashame that our media has so blatently abandoned their journalist roots. There are no real journalist on public television or that work at most newspapers anymore. If they hung anyone of them for being a journalist, they would be hanging an innocent person!

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