American Majority

Training Events

workshop election integrity
Pennsylvania Leadership Conference – Election Integrity Workshop
All Day

Event Details

American Majority is pleased to be hosting an Election Integrity Workshop at this year’s Pennsylvania Leadership Conference. The Conference is on June 11-12, 2021 at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill, PA. 1150 Camp Hill Bypass, Camp Hill, PA 17011.  You can register for the conference here:
Matt Batzel will be running the Election Integrity Workshop on Saturday, June 12th beginning at 1:30pm EST. This training workshop seeks to equip individuals with the tools to be successful in defending voting rights. 

Topics to be covered include:

-History of Changes to Election Laws
-How the Big Rig Happened in 2020 (Ballot Harvesting, Lawfare and more)
-What you can do about it!

You won’t want to miss this important training and what you can do to ensure the integrity of future elections. 

Can’t join us in person? Join via Zoom HERE