American Majority

Training Events

Green Bay, WI – Voter Registration and Identification Training
All Day

Event Details

Our nation was founded by ordinary citizen activists desiring a government that was accountable to the people. Today, ordinary citizens across our nation are tired of the status quo and ready to engage for the betterment of their communities. American Majority’s training addresses these passions by providing education and resources to help you meet your goals.


American Majority Wisconsin is pleased to announce a Voter Registration Training will be held on October 29 from 6-7 pm in Green Bay at the Brown County Central Library* in Central Meeting Room 1. The Address is 515 Pine St, Green Bay, WI 54301. The training is Free and open to the public. Pre-registration to ensure we have enough space is recommended. 


Voter Identification and helping individuals register to vote can be a difference-maker. 


This training will focus on teaching you how to effectively run a voter registration program, provide accurate information about voting and how to welcome new voters to the polls.


Additionally, we will also focus on teaching you how to identify voters so that you can run a strong GOTV program. 


If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact Matt Batzel  at 


American Majority is a non-profit and non-partisan political training organization whose mission is to train and equip a national network of new leaders committed to individual freedom through limited government and the free market. 


*The use of Brown County Library meeting rooms for this program, event, or activity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Brown County Library.



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