Championship: CIAD Yard Sign Tournament 2019

April 4, 2019
And then there were two!
We have arrived at our championship matchup. It’s time for you to cast your vote for the student made sign you want to take the title of the 2019 Yard Sign Tournament Champion!
Since the summer of 2016 the interactive American Majority Campaign-In-A-Day event has trained over 1,000 attendees on what it’s like to run a campaign. After hundreds of new attendees in the last year the American Majority Yard Sign Tournament is back! Our competitive simulated campaign trains students to fundraise, message, manage a campaign, and get out the vote. One of most fun parts of Campaign-In-A-Day is when teams create yard signs for their team’s mock candidate. While collegiate athletes are battling it out on the hardwood the best 16 yard signs from our Campaign-In-A-Day event are facing off for the ultimate bragging rights. Choose your favorite sign in each matchup to get yard signs to advance until there is one yard sign crowned as the champion of the American Majority Yard Sign Tournament!
Note – these are all fictitious candidates created for Campaign-In-A-Day
Cast Your Votes Here!
The voting schedule is as follows:
Semi-Finals: March 29th-April 3rd
Finals: April 4th-7th
Winner Announced: April 8th
For more information on the American Majority Campaign-In-A-Day or to request one check out the CIAD website or look at one of our other helpful recaps of previous events with attendees’ feedback: